As methods of communication, they are an age apart.


So it is perhaps not surprising that it took over 30 years for Olivier Vandevalle to get a reply to his message in a bottle - via Facebook.

所以,Olivier Vandevalle等了30年才收到自己扔出去的瓶中信的回音——还是通过Facebook收到的!

At the age of 14, aboard his family's yacht on a sailing holiday cruising along the south coast of England, he tore a page from an exercise book and wrote a message which he secured in a wine bottle in the summer of 1977.

在1977年夏天,Olivier Vandevalle还只有14岁,跟家人在英国南岸度假时,突发奇想从一本练习册上撕了张纸写个字条放到酒瓶里扔进大海。

And 33 years later, the Belgian has had a reply. After finding the bottle on the shore at Swanage in Dorset, Lorraine Yates ignored the postal address and instead tracked the messenger down on the social networking website Facebook, where they are now listed as each other's 'friend'.

33年后,在英国Swanage郡的海滩上发现漂流瓶的Lorraine Yates,直接在Facebook上回复给Olivier Vandevalle:我收到你的信了。

Yesterday Mr Vandevalle, a 47-year-old father-of-two from Ostend, said: 'It was so, so long ago that my first reaction when she contacted me was to say "it wasn't me."


"Then I remembered."


He added: "It was an incredible experience. Where has the bottle been all these years? Was it lying buried under a heap of sand until it was uncovered by a storm? I shall never know."


"But the wine bottle was a safe receptacle for my message. My father insisted that we seal the cork with candle grease to make sure no sea water could get in."


