Judy: What did you do that made Mr. Big so mad at you?
Nick: I, uh... I may have sold him a very expensive wall rug that was made from the fur of a skunk's butt.
Judy: Oh, sweet cheese 'n crackers. Is that Mr. Big?
Nick: No.
Judy: What about him? Is that him?
Nick: No.
Judy: That's gotta be him.
Nick: Stop talking. Stop talking. Stop talking! Mr. Big, sir, this is a simple misunder...Yeah. This is a simple misunderstanding.
Mr. Big: You come here unannounced on the day my daughter is to be married.
Nick: Well, actually, we were brought here against our will, so... Point is, I did not know that it was your car, and I certainly did not know about your daughter's wedding!
Mr. Big: I trusted you, Nicky. I welcomed you into my home. We broke bread together. Grandmama made you a cannoli. And how did you repay my generosity? With a rug made from the butt of a skunk. A skunkbutt rug. You disrespected me. You disrespected my grandmama, who I buried in that skunkbutt rug. I told you never to show your face here again, but here you are. Snooping around with this... What are you? A performer? What's with the costume?
Judy: Sir, I am a co...
Nick: Mime! She's a mime. This mime cannot speak. You can't speak if you're a mime.
Judy: No, I am a cop. And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case. And my evidence puts him in your car! So intimidate me all you want, I'm going to find out what you did to that otter if it's the last thing I do.
Mr. Big:Hmm. Then I have only one request. Say hello to Grandmama.