《双重人格》The Double (2013) 

导演:理查德·阿尤阿德 Richard Ayoade
编剧:理查德·阿尤阿德 Richard Ayoade Avi Korine
主演:杰西·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg 米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 华莱士·肖恩 Wallace Shawn
上映日期: 2013-9-7 加拿大  



影片根据19世纪俄国作家陀思妥耶夫斯基创作的同名小说改编,故事围绕一名小职员(艾森伯格 饰)展开,默默无闻的他突然发现生活中闯入了一个与自己长得一模一样的家伙,面对即将被毁灭殆尽的一切,他深深陷入了疯狂...导演阿尤阿德曾透露,他欲借本片折射“人类的孤独失落,以及那种与生俱来的对于爱与被爱的渴望”,而两位主角杰西和米娅在真实生活中所擦出的恋情火花,不知是否正印证了阿尤阿德的期冀。

Simon is a timid man, scratching out an isolated existence in an indifferent world. He is overlooked at work, scorned by his mother, and ignored by the woman of his dreams. He feels powerless to change any of these things. The arrival of a new co-worker, James, serves to upset the balance. James is both Simons exact physical double and his opposite - confident, charismatic and good with women. To Simons horror, James slowly starts taking over his life.