自诩行侠仗义、绝不伤害人命的劫匪帕克(杰森·斯坦森 饰)带领同伙洗劫俄亥俄一座游乐场,谁知最后关头却遭背叛,身受重伤,命悬一线。侥幸逃生的帕克迅速从医院逃出,他有条不紊搞来现金,准备假证件。为了讨回自己应得的那份钱,他查到同伙梅兰德(麦克·切克里斯 饰)等人的消息,一路尾随前来。与此同时,有着芝加哥黑手党背景的梅兰德等人察觉到帕克的行踪和动机,也唆使杀手追杀这个难缠的对手。围绕着这笔不义之财,交织着人性欲望的杀戮随即展开……选段中,死里逃生后,帕克决定复仇,让他们付出应有的代价。他在最后抢回了珠宝,并救回了莱思莉(詹妮弗·洛佩兹 饰),受伤的帕克告诉莱思莉他要去避避风头,三个月之后再来销赃。
Leslie: Come on!
Parker: Wait. Not so fast. You shouldn't have come here.
Leslie: I thought you might need help. And what happened? Did you know that guy's gun wouldn't go off?
Parker: When I broke in the night you followed me, I bent the firing pins on most of their weapons.
Leslie: Most of them?
Parker: Here's what's gonna happen. Take the jewels to your office, find an AC vent, open it, and stuff them in. Put the grating back on and forget about it.
Leslie: But...
Parker: You don't tell your mother and you don't check on them to make sure they're still there. In about three months, I'll send someone in to get them from you. Might take a long time to fence, but after that's done, you'll receive your share by express mail. You can't put that money in a bank, Leslie. You can't go on a crazy shopping spree.
Leslie: Okay. But... how much will it...
Parker: I get the first two hundred thousand. My original share. The next two hundred thousand, goes to my old partner who planned the job. Then we split the rest.
Leslie: How much?
Parker: With the right buyer, your share will be millions.
(Leslie hugged Parker.)
Parker: Mmm.
Leslie: Oh, sorry! I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Oh! What? Wait, wait, wait! Where are you going?
Parker: I'm going to lie low for a week or so until things calm down. I'll have someone drive in and get me.
Leslie: Claire? I never did have a chance, did I?