It’s been pretty much confirmed in the past, but if you were in desperate need of some definitive proof, you now have it. Warner Bros has announced that Liam Neeson will be reprising his role as Ra’s al Ghul in “The Dark Knight Rises.”

Of course, they didn’t just come right out and say it, but instead slipped the little nugget of information away in a press release. Neeson stars in the upcoming “Wrath of the Titans,” and got their hands on the production notes for the flick. In them, Warner Bros reveals that Neeson will definitely be in the third and final Batman film.

“Neeson next appears in Peter Berg’s actioner ‘Battleship,’ and he also will be seen in Christopher Nolan’s much-anticipated action thriller ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’” the production notes read.

Well, there you have it. Neeson first appeared in “Batman Begins” as the villainous R’as al Ghul. It has long been speculated that Martion Cotillard will play his daughter, Talia al Ghul, in “The Dark Knight Rises.” The trailer for the film features a voiceover by Neeson, so it’s fitting that he return to the franchise in some capacity for its final installment.

Back in January, Neeson had admitted that he had been on set, but wouldn’t give away any details regarding his scene.

“I was on set for maybe an hour-and-a-half and the director didn’t tell me anything of what it’s about,” said Neeson. “So, I’m being very honest when I say I have no idea what’s going to happen.”

“The Dark Knight Rises” is due to hit theaters on July 20. It stars Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman.

Are you glad Neeson is in “The Dark Knight Rises”? Tell us in the comments section below or on Facebook and Twitter.

终于在亲自否认、片场被拍、承认“探班一个半小时”等历时一年的风波之后,关于连姆·尼森回归《黑暗骑士崛起》的传言日前终于有了定论,在同为自己出品的《诸神之怒》的制作清单中,华纳兄弟“不慎”首次官方确认了一个重大信息——大叔将重拾Ra's al Ghul一角,出现在由克里斯托弗·诺兰打造的《蝙蝠侠》系列最终篇中!(下图)此外据内幕人士确认,近日在网上流传的《黑暗骑士崛起》9月2日登陆内地已被证实为假消息。



的确,熟悉诺兰这一重启系列的朋友都记得,在第一部《开战时刻》结尾,连姆·尼森饰演的反派Ra's al Ghul在与蝙蝠侠的最终决斗中与列车一同葬身火海,所以此次他的回归也充满了多种可能,梦中现身、闪回登场,当然也不排除会安排Ra's al Ghul像漫画中一样复活重生的桥段,但不管最终上演的是哪一出,参照去年6月份他在片场逗留的仅仅一个半小时来看,时间的严重限制显然不会拍摄出什么重要戏份。


