Jolie again used her star power to speak out for children in war zones, on the day the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus testified before congressional committees. Asked about her view of how the surge of additional American troops has impacted Iraqi children, Jolie said m…
驻伊美军最高指挥官将军大卫·佩特拉斯在国会委员会前作证当日,安吉丽娜·茱莉再一次用自己的明星效应为战区的儿童呼吁。 当被问及她对美军再次增兵对伊拉克儿童的影响时,茱莉说,军事行动应该和救援行动相配合进行。 “我认为即使佩特拉斯也会同意,增兵并不仅仅意味着在减少暴力方面起作用,还意味着人道主义援助迅速增…