[1] Monsters, Inc 怪物公司
The story takes place in Monstropolis, a city populated entirely by monsters. Monstropolis is not part of the human world, but it can be connected to children's bedrooms through their closet doors. When a door is properly activated, it becomes a portal between the monster world and the human world. The city's power supply is provided by Monsters, Inc., a power plant that employs monsters to scare children and extract energy from their screams.
The company has a huge warehouse full of doors, work areas called "scare floors" where the doors are activated, and a special training room in which employees practice their scare skills. The company's best scarer is James P. "Sulley" Sullivan (Goodman), whose assistant is his best friend and room mate Michael "Mike" Wazowski (Crystal). Sulley's main rival is Randall Boggs (Buscemi), but enjoys a patronizing relationship with the company's CEO, Henry J. Waternoose III (Coburn), who likes Sully because of his scaring ability . However Waternoose is very concerned because Monstropolis is in the middle of an energy crisis because children are harder to scare than they used to be.
如果你是一个小孩子,在某个夜晚,你偷偷打开壁橱,却赫然发现在壁橱 角落的阴暗处,一个让人寒毛倒竖的怪物正用绿幽幽的眼睛窥视着你,你会作何反应 ?尖叫!当然是惊声尖叫!可你还不知道吧,这样可就正中了怪物们的下怀。在我们 生活的世界之外,怪物们也有一个属于他们的世界,而维持这个怪物世界的唯一动力 能源就是来自小孩子受到惊吓时所发出的高分贝尖叫。为此,怪物们还成立了自己的 怪物有限公司,由这个公司中的怪物专门负责前往人类世界恐吓孩子们,从而收集他 们的尖叫。
不过随着小孩子们对怪物们的恐吓把戏越来越习以为常,想得到他们的尖 叫也成了一件异常困难的事,阴险狡诈的鲍格斯在怪兽们下班后擅自把通向人类世界 的门启动了。不过这一切全被苏利文看在眼里,他带着好奇走了进去,无意中却把一 个两岁的人类小女孩阿布带回了怪物世界。几千年来,只有怪物到人间,还从来没有 发生过人类来到怪物世界的先例。这下可麻烦大了,精力无比充沛的阿布将怪物世界 折腾了个天翻地覆,鸡飞狗跳,连自问神勇的苏利文也拿她束手无策,而麦克本来就 是绿色的脸急得更加绿了。在他们准备送阿布回家的这段时间里,他们与阿布产生了 深厚的友谊,这种友谊迫使苏利文冒着生命危险与老板争夺阿布。最终的结局是美满 的,老板被抓,苏利文接替了老板,受阿布的启发,他把公司改成了欢笑电力公司, 用笑声来发电。
[2] Titan A.E. 冰冻星球
In 3028 AD, humanity has developed deep-space travel. An experimental discovery called Project Titan has caused the Drej, a malevolent, energy-based species, to become alarmed. Fearing humans will become the dominant species in the galaxy, the Drej declare war on humanity. As the Drej are about to destroy Earth, Professor Sam Tucker (Ron Perlman), the lead researcher for Project Titan, gives his son, Cale (Alex D. Linz), a ring and sends Cale on one of the evacuation ships with his alien friend, Tek (Tone Loc). Meanwhile, Sam and other members of his team fly the Titan spacecraft from Earth and into hyperspace. Earth is destroyed, and the remainder of the humans become drifters, generally ridiculed by other species.
3028年的地球,人类的航天技术突飞猛进,已与宇宙间的各种智慧生物建 立往来,却遭到一种纯能量体生物“锥尔”的攻击。山姆·塔克 博士在地球毁灭之际,为了保住“ 泰坦计划”,不得已将儿子凯尔(阿历克斯·迪·林兹 Alex D. Linz 配音)托付给外星朋友泰克(同恩·洛克 Tone Loc 饰)。15年后的 凯尔随泰克在小行星带的垃圾站长大,直到父亲当年的同事约瑟夫·科尔索船 长(比尔·普尔曼 Bill Pullman 配音)说服他以人类兴亡为己任,用父亲留 下的戒指帮助寻找泰坦飞船的位置。与此同时,凯尔对副船长阿吉玛(德鲁· 巴里摩尔Drew Barrymore 配音)一见钟情。众人经历千辛万苦后终于找到泰坦飞船 ,但他们能否共同抵抗锥尔人的攻击,为人类开辟新世界呢?
推荐理由:虽然卖座不是很好,但它的场 景可真的漂亮,值得一看。
[3] Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas 辛巴达七海传奇
The film opens with Eris narrating to her pet monsters how easy it is to collapse the mortal world into chaos. When she sees what is unravelling below, she sends Cetus, her sea monster, to cause destruction. Below, Sinbad intends to steal for the legendary "Book of Peace", which protects the land from chaos while it travels toSyracuse, Sicily. Proteus is guarding it on its way. While Sinbad and his crew are trying to steal the Book, Cetus attacks the ship. Sinbad and Proteus work together to kill the monster, but Sinbad is dragged under water by one of its tentacles.
He is saved by Eris, who makes a deal with him: in exchange for stealing and giving her the Book of Peace, she will give him whatever he wants. Sinbad and his crew go to the palace to steal the Book, but Sinbad leaves after he meets Proteus's fiancée Marina (voiced by Catherine Zeta-Jones). Anticipating this, Eris impersonates Sinbad and steals the book. Sinbad is arrested, tried, and sentenced to death. Proteus demands substitution, which allows Sinbad to leave to retrieve the book. Marina stows away to make sure that Sinbad goes after the book.
这部动画片讲的是著名的阿拉伯航海家辛巴达的冒险经历。关于他,看过 《一千零一夜》故事集的小孩都知道。他好多次出海冒险,有许多奇奇怪怪,刺激惊 险的经历,走过最神秘的国土,见过最意想不到的人,他的故事在很多童话书里都能 够找到。不过这里的故事,和别的都不同。辛巴达的冒险从希腊神话中的纷争女神艾 莉斯开始。她偷了“和平宝典”,世上最有力量最珍贵的无价之宝,因 为她最不喜欢的就是和平。接着她将这罪行栽赃到辛巴达头上。和平宝典所在的城市 的王子海神普罗透斯是辛巴达的朋友,只有他相信辛巴达的清白。在所有的不利证据 面前,他拿自己的性命做抵押,使辛巴达有机会去找回宝贝。
为了证明自己的清白,挽救朋友的性命,辛巴达出发前往艾莉斯居住的地 方。一路上,艾莉斯不断给他制造麻烦。他遭遇到好些让人害怕的怪物,包括一只巨 大的蝎子,一条大蛇,和一只叫做洛克的40英尺高的冰雪大鸟。就算辛巴达能够打败 所有的怪物,艾莉斯的不和金苹果也很难对付。如果好朋友们被扔到这种苹果里,就 会变成敌人,他得十分小心。但辛巴达的浪子性格使他不断偏离航程,不断给自己找 麻烦。这时候,一路跟着辛巴达,为了保证他完成任务的普罗透斯的未婚妻玛丽娜开 始出面了,她是个娇小但意志坚定的女人,可不是好对付的。辛巴达忠实的小狗斯派 克也开始不安生。大海上事故丛生,刺激连连,辛巴达的生涯永远丰富多彩。
推荐理由:巧妙结合手绘和3D技术的优 秀作品。
[4] Shrek 怪物史莱克
Shrek (Mike Myers), a green ogre that has always enjoyed living in peaceful solitude in his swamp, finds his life disrupted when numerous fairytale beings, including Pinocchio, the Three Little Pigs, and Donkey (Eddie Murphy), are forced into the swamp by order of the obsessive, fairy-tale despising Lord Farquaad (John Lithgow).
Shrek leaves the swamp to ask Farquaad for the return of his privacy, with Donkey happily tagging along. Meanwhile, Farquaad tortures the Gingerbread Man into revealing the whereabouts of the remaining fairytale creatures until his guards rush in with an object Farquaad has been searching for: the Magic Mirror. The Mirror tells him that Farquaad can only become a real king by marrying a princess. The Mirror gives him three princesses to choose from (in a parody of The Dating Game): Cinderella, Snow White, and Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz). Farquaad chooses Fiona and silences the Mirror before he can mention "the little thing that happens at night" (which is later revealed to be a curse)...
史莱克生活在平凡的世界中——他本身是一个其貌不扬的怪 物,绿色的身体,古怪的脾气,不爱干净的懒散生活。这天他家里来了几个不速之客 ,他们告诉史莱克,自己来自一个残暴国王统治下的王国,现在已经无家可归了。而 且,那个残暴的国王还掠夺了一个美丽非凡的公主,打算强占为妻。史莱克虽说丑陋 ,却心内善良。在领主的威逼下,无奈下他只能前去搭救公主,同时心想一睹公主芳 容。路上,他遇到了一个话痨骡子,骡子知道了史莱克的事迹,决定忠心耿耿为之效 劳。前路有喷火恶龙等着和他们搏斗呢,他们能不能闯过难关,上演完美的英雄救美 童话?
[5] Finding Nemo 海底总动员
Marlin and his wife, Coral, are admiring their new home in the Great Barrier Reef. They are both protecting their clutch of over 400 eggs that are due to hatch in a few days. Marlin then sees Coral looking worriedly at a barracuda a short distance away. Marlin tells Coral to get back into the anemone but she tries to protect their eggs. The barracuda then attacks them and Marlin attempts to save his wife but the barracuda knocks him out. When he regains consciousness, the barracuda has eaten Coral and all but one of their eggs. He names the last remaining egg Nemo, a name that Coral liked.
在澳洲大堡礁的深海中,小丑鱼爸爸玛林和儿子尼莫简单幸福的生活着, 可是爸爸做事常常畏首畏尾,是个胆小鬼,尼莫觉得爸爸很不勇敢,甚至有点看不起 自己的爸爸。小尼莫却天不怕地不怕,跟同伴们去水面玩耍的时候,竟然被渔网捞了 起来,辗转被卖到一家牙医诊所。玛林对儿子的生死未卜感到十分的担忧,就算平时 不能大胆行事,为了儿子也要勇敢豁出去了。可是在路上遇到了很多艰难与恐惧,令 他十分胆怯。幸好他遇到了好心的多瑞,一路与他作伴。父子俩都遇到了很多热心的 帮助,最终都能重逢,玛林也从此成为儿子以及大家心中的英雄。
推荐理由:融合温馨情感和尖端技术的 动画经典。
[6] Spirited Away 千与千寻
Ten-year-old Chihiro Ogino is moving with her parents to a new town when they become lost and find what appears to be an abandoned amusement park. Chihiro's father insists on exploring it, and she and her mother reluctantly accompany him. Chihiro's parents sample the delicious food at an unattended stall. After Chihiro wanders off and finds a grand bathhouse, a boy approaches and warns her to leave before nightfall. When Chihiro runs back to her parents, she finds they have been transformed into pigs, and the park starts to swarm with monsters.
千寻和爸爸妈妈一同驱车前往新家,在郊外的小路上不慎进入了神秘的隧 道——他们去到了另外一个诡异世界—一个中世纪的小镇。远 处飘来食物的香味,爸爸妈妈大快朵颐,孰料之后变成了猪!这是小镇上渐渐来了许 多样子古怪、半透明的人。千寻仓皇逃出,一个叫小白的人救了他,喂了她阻止身体 消失的药,并且告诉她怎样去找锅炉爷爷以及汤婆婆,而且必须获得一分工作才能不 被魔法变成别的东西。千寻在小白的帮助下幸运地获得了一份在浴池打杂的工作。渐 渐她不再被那些怪模怪样的人吓倒,并从小玲那儿知道了小白是凶恶的汤婆婆的弟子 。一次,千寻发现小白被一群白色飞舞的纸人打伤,为了救受伤的小白,她用河神送 给她的药丸驱出了小白身体内的封印以及守封印的小妖精,但小白还是没有醒过来。 为了救小白,千寻又踏上了她的冒险之旅。
[7] Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within 最终幻想
In the year 2065, a future Earth is infested by Phantoms: alien life forms capable of killing humans by physical contact. The remaining humans living in "barrier cities" all over the world are engaged in an ongoing struggle to free the planet. After being infected by a Phantom during one of her experiments, Aki Ross (Ming-Na) and her mentor, Dr. Sid (Donald Sutherland), uncover a means of defeating the Phantoms by gathering eight spirit signatures that, when joined, can negate the Phantoms. Aki is searching for the sixth spirit in the ruins of New York City when she is cornered by Phantoms but is rescued by Gray Edwards (Alec Baldwin) and his squad "Deep Eyes", consisting of Ryan Whittaker (Ving Rhames), Neil Fleming (Steve Buscemi) and Jane Proudfoot (Peri Gilpin). It is revealed that Gray was once romantically involved with Aki.
公元2065年,地球上充满了毁灭和混乱,城市荒芜,人口被大批残杀,整 个世界造到外星生命的重创,他们通过独特的方式侵袭地球上的一切生命,少数生存 下来的地球人开始反抗这些外星敌人。被毁灭的梦魇时刻缠绕着的天才女科学家罗丝 是这场战争中拯救世界的关键人物,但她的计划要冒极大的危险,另一边掌握着高科 技军队大权的将军也有一套自己的计划去打击外星敌人,但这个计划同样要对大自然 造成更大的伤害,除非罗丝能成功……
[8] D Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust 吸血鬼猎人
Charlotte, a young woman, is abducted by Baron Meier Link, a vampire nobleman who is known not to harm humans needlessly. Charlotte's father hires D to find her and kill her humanely if she turns into a vampire. At the same time, her older brother also hires the notorious Marcus brothers for backup. The two parties (D and the Marcus brothers) race inexorably after Meier Link. However, Meier Link hires the Mutant Barbarois; a group of lethal mercenary body guards. They consist of Caroline, a shape shifter; Benge, a shadow manipulator; and Mashira, a werewolf.
吸血鬼猎人D是吸血鬼王和人类女子生的后代,他身手敏捷,是响当当的 吸血鬼猎人。这次,埃尔邦家族的千金夏洛特被吸血鬼掳了去,庄园主请来了D和吸 血鬼猎人马克思兄妹前往营救。途中,D和马克思兄妹因为争夺酬金而互相较量,弄 得不欢而散。随后,D受到了贵族三杰的袭击,紧要关头D突然发病,危在旦夕之际马 克思兄妹中的蕾拉救了D,他们相互约定日后谁先死对方就要前往其墓前献花。
其后,他们查明了夏洛特并不是被吸血鬼掳走了,而是恋上了吸血鬼马埃 尔,两人一起私奔,正前往吸血鬼伯爵夫人卡米拉的城堡搭乘卡米拉的飞船前往世外 桃源“夜之都”开始他们的新生活。然而卡米拉只是将他们骗去,她的 真正目的是吸干夏洛特的鲜血让自己复活。D及时赶到,和卡米拉展开了一场生死大 战。
[9] Kaena:The Prophecy 盖娜
The film begins with an alien ship crash landing on a desert planet. The alien survivors, known as Vecarians, are quickly killed by the planet's predatory native inhabitants, the Selenites. The ship's core, Vecanoi, survives, and from it sprouts Axis, a massive tree reaching up into space.
600 years later, a race of human-like tree-dwellers have evolved living in the branches of Axis. One of them, a young girl named Kaena (voiced by Kirsten Dunst), is an adventurous daydreamer who longs to explore the world beyond the confines of her village. Kaena's inquisitiveness is opposed as heresy by the village elder, who commands his people to stay productive and toil for the villager's gods (who are, unbeknownst to them, the Selenites living in the planet below).
故事叙述在遥远的时空,太空船“威卡诺伊号”在航行途中 遭遇变故而坠毁在“艾斯多利亚双子星”上,威卡诺伊号太空船的电脑 中枢与艾斯多利亚星的神秘能量结合,成为全新生命体“AXIS”并进一 步使整个艾斯多利亚星产生异变,让该星球的植物异常生长而导致生态体系异变,而 植物的“树液”成为维持所有生命能量的重要来源。600年中,艾斯多利 亚星异型生物把新人种[人类]视为奴隶,为其采集能源,并以上帝的身份施加暴行。盖 娜是一个爱冒险的小姑娘,她屡屡发现古代遗留下来的线索,欲揭开真相。在威卡诺 伊号唯一幸存者的帮助下,盖娜找到的残存的电脑中枢AXIS,并击败了异型统治者, 释放了AXIS的能量,开启了一道通往新世界的桥梁。族人终于从奴役中被解救!
推荐理由:欧洲的动画大作,风格很怪异 !
[10] Dinosaur 恐龙
The film opens with an Iguanodon mother forced to abandon her nest, with only one egg surviving a carnivorous Carnotaur attack. The egg is taken by an Oviraptor, who drops it into a river, and finally is taken by aPteranodon to an island inhabited by lemurs, who name the baby dinosaur Aladar and raise him as their own. When Aladar is an adult, the island is destroyed by the asteroid, with only Aladar, his grandfather Yar, his mother Plio, his best friend Zini, and his sister Suri surviving the destruction of the island by swimming to the mainland.
小禽龙阿拉达生活在白垩纪晚期,他自小就生活在一个桃花园般的小岛上 。由一群狐猴抚养长大大的阿拉达从来就没有见过自己的同类,与他的狐猴朋友一直 无忧无虑的生活在一起。一场不期而至的流星雨将阿拉达所在的小岛击毁了,阿拉达 和他的狐猴朋友一起逃难来到了大陆。这时,因为大气变热,水源供给越来越紧张, 阿拉达他们遇上了一群正在迁徙寻找新的栖身之地的恐龙并加入了他们。于是,阿拉 达和同伴们一起开始了这次异常艰难的迁徙之旅。
推荐理由:影片中的几个展现恐龙时代风 貌的片断尤其值得一看。