The Others
The Others 小岛惊魂
The film is set in the British Crown Dependency of Jersey, in the immediate aftermath of World War II. Grace Stewart (Nicole Kidman) is a Catholic mother who lives with her two small children in a remote country house. The children, Anne (Alakina Mann) and Nicholas (James Bentley), have an uncommon disease characterized by photosensitivity (a special feature on the DVD indicates the disease is xeroderma pigmentosum), so their lives are structured around a series of complex rules designed to protect them from inadvertent exposure to sunlight.
The new arrival of three servants at the house—an aging nanny and servant named Mrs. Bertha Mills (Fionnula Flanagan), an elderly gardener named Mr. Edmund Tuttle (Eric Sykes), and a young mute girl named Lydia (Elaine Cassidy)—coincides with a number of odd events, and Grace begins to fear that they are not alone. Anne draws pictures of four people: a man, a woman, a boy called Victor, and a scary old woman, all of whom she says she has seen in the house.
二战结束,格蕾丝(尼科尔•基德曼)在英伦的小岛上独自抚养着一对儿女 ,耐心等待着丈夫从战场归来。儿女怕光,受到光照会发病,因此家里的窗帘常年拉得严严实实。就在这样一间阴暗的古宅里,格蕾丝迎来了三个新仆人。这三个人到来之后 ,却让格蕾丝寒了心——窗帘经常被拉开,门无故打开,钢琴自动发声,而她的女儿说,在房间里经常可以见到陌生男人。格蕾丝陷入了精神紧张的状态,她不明 白怪事为何屡屡发生,不明白丈夫为何迟迟未归。而她最后才醒悟,所有的惊恐,其实都来源自身,但是事情已经不可逆转……
The Mist
The Mist 迷雾
The morning after a violent thunderstorm, a thick unnatural mist quickly spreads across the small town of Bridgton, Maine, reducing visibility to near-zero and concealing numerous species of bizarre creatures which viciously attack anyone and anything that ventures out into the open.
The bulk of the story details the plight of a large group of people who become trapped while shopping in the town supermarket, among them a commercial artist named David Drayton (the protagonist and narrator), David's young son Billy, and their estranged neighbor Brent Norton, who accompanied them into town after his car was smashed by a tree. Amongst others trapped in the market are a young woman named Amanda Dumfries and two soldiers from a nearby military installation, home to what is referred to as "The Arrowhead Project"; the soldiers' eventual joint suicide lends some credence to the theory of this Project being the source of the disaster...
一座风景秀美的小镇被一场突如其来的浓雾瞬间淹没。雾中传来阵阵惨叫,人们惊慌失措地四处逃散。戴维和他的儿子与众多镇上的人被困在小镇超市里,等待雾的 消散。浓雾并没有如期望的散开,而走进浓雾的人一去不返。浓雾逐渐露出了它狰狞的 面目。恐惧、惊慌、挣扎、悲伤、绝望……人们的精神濒临崩溃。如何才能活着走出迷雾?面对超市里几近癫狂的人们和超市外吞噬一切、不可知的迷雾,戴维 紧紧搂着儿子,开始了艰难的求生之路……
The Skeleton Key
The Skeleton Key 万能钥匙
Caroline Ellis (Kate Hudson) is a New Orleans hospital aide who takes a position as a private Hospice caregiver at an isolated plantation house deep in the bayous of southern Louisiana. The lady of the house, Violet Deveraux (Gena Rowlands) looks after her husband Benjamin Devereaux (John Hurt), a stroke victim who is expected to die soon. At first Caroline is dubious about taking the job as Violet is very hostile and distrustful towards her, but after some prompting from the family's estate lawyer, Luke Marshall (Peter Sarsgaard), she accepts the position...
年轻的姑娘卡罗琳(凯特•哈德森 Kate Hudson 饰)受雇于老妇人维奥莱特 (吉娜•罗兰兹 Gena Rowlands 饰),前往她家照顾她卧病在床的丈夫本(约翰 •赫特 John Hurt 饰)。维奥莱特的大房子坐落于以神秘习俗和宗教仪式闻名的地区,卡罗刚到这里就觉得阴森诡异。随着日子一天天过去,卡罗琳渐渐对这件大房子和古怪的维奥 莱特起疑。一次偶然,她从维奥莱特那里得到了一把万能钥匙,用它可以打开这座大房子的所有房间。当卡罗琳走进了隐藏在顶楼的房间时,她看到了令人惊悚的一幕,直觉告诉她,本的卧病在床和维奥莱特以及这间房间有着莫大的关系,她决心揭开这个谜!
推荐理由:当你以为完全掌控了电影思路时,故事突然出现了一个可怕的真相 ,而这个真相让我回味起之前的情节时不禁毛骨悚然、头皮发麻……
The Game
The Game 心理游戏
Nicholas Van Orton (Douglas) is a successful and extremely wealthy investment banker, but his success has come at the cost of his personal life. He is estranged from both his ex-wife and his only brother. He remains haunted from having seen his father commit suicide on his 48th birthday. On his own 48th birthday, Conrad (Penn), Nicholas' rebellious younger brother, presents Nicholas with an unusual gift—a voucher for a "game" offered by a company called Consumer Recreation Services (CRS). Conrad promises that it will change Nicholas' life.
Nicholas has doubts about the gift and delays calling CRS. A chance encounter with business associates who enjoyed the Game (during which one acquaintance quotes John 9:25: "I was blind but now I see!") changes Nicholas' mind. He goes to the organization's offices to apply and is irritated by the lengthy and time-consuming series of psychological and physical examinations required. He is later informed that his application has been rejected.
推荐理由:影片悬念迭出,最后的结尾更是出人意料,少看介绍,直接看电影 ,绝对有惊喜。
The Sixth Sense
The Sixth Sense 第六感
Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis), a child psychologist in Philadelphia, returns home one night with his wife, Anna Crowe (Olivia Williams), when he is honored for his work. She says that everything in the world is second to his job including her.
The two then discover that they are not alone; a young man (Donnie Wahlberg) appears brandishing a gun. He says that he does not want to be afraid anymore and accuses Crowe of failing him. Crowe recognizes him as Vincent Grey, a former patient whom he treated as a child for hallucinations. Grey shoots Crowe in the lower abdomen, and seconds later turns the gun on himself...
麦克(布鲁斯·威利斯)是著名儿童心里学家,却也有始终未能治愈的患者,甚至因此遭到枪杀,这名少年随后也饮枪自毙。这给麦克带来很大心里阴影,一年后他找到另一个症状很像这名患者的男孩柯尔(海利·乔·奥斯蒙),并耐心的做起了他的医生。柯尔并不容易接近,但麦克还是慢慢赢得了他的信任,得知了柯尔的秘密。原来柯尔有着灵异的第六感,可以看到鬼魂。虽然这令人感到难以置信,但麦克在证实了事情的真相后还是帮助柯尔接受了这个事实,并学会在第六感的召唤下, 帮助别人,走出生活的阴影。可是就在问题即将得到解决的时候,麦克却在柯尔的引导下,发现了一个更令人震惊的秘密……
The Illusionist
The Illusionist 魔术师
The film begins in medias res as Chief Inspector Walter Uhl (Paul Giamatti) moves to arrest Herr Eisenheim (Edward Norton) during what appears to be necromancy passed off as a magic show. He then begins to recount the story of Eisenheim for Crown Prince Leopold.
Eisenheim was born the son of a cabinetmaker in Vienna, Austria- Hungary and is seen training for this same trade. One day when he was a teenager, Eisenheim (played as a young man by Aaron Johnson) meets a traveling magician along a road. The magician performs several tricks for him and then, according to various accounts, both the magician and the tree he was sitting under vanish. Eisenheim becomes obsessed with magic tricks after this...
1900年,科学的发展还未能遮盖魔术的神秘感,维也纳的人们对艾森海姆(爱德 华·诺顿 Edward Norto饰)的魔术更是达到了痴迷的状态。这个神奇的魔术师总是能把现实和虚幻的东西混为一体,让人坠入云里雾里,怀疑他是否真的具有超能力。 而台下的乌尔侦探,更是想从艾森海姆每一场的表演里看出幕后的真相。一 天,一位上台接受挑战的女子令艾森海姆大为震惊——她就是自己往日的恋人苏菲(杰西卡·贝尔 Jessica Biel 饰)。他们曾经因为等级门户之被迫分开,而如今,苏菲将成为王储的妻子。尽管这样,二人还是旧情复炽,无法自拔。当苏菲打算放弃一切跟爱森海姆私奔时,悲剧却发生了,她离奇死去,所有证据都表明凶手就是由爱生恨的王储。真相似乎已经大白,但是魔术师的世界亦真亦幻,实情也随之扑朔迷离。
Se7en 七宗罪
In an unidentified city of near-constant rain and urban decay, the soon-to-be retiring Detective William R. Somerset (Freeman) is partnered with short-tempered Detective David Mills (Pitt) who recently transferred to the department.
The detectives investigate a series of murders relating to the seven deadly sins, such as an obese man who was forced to feed himself to death, representing "Gluttony". They find clues at each crime scene related to other deaths, and believe they are chasing a serial killer. A set of fingerprints found at the scene of the "Greed" murder — the fatal bloodletting of a rich attorney — leads them to an apartment where they find an emaciated man strapped to a bed...
暴食、贪婪、懒惰、嫉妒、骄傲、淫欲、愤怒, 这是天主教教义所指的人性七宗罪。城市中发生的连坏杀人案,死者恰好都是犯有这些 教义的人。凶手故弄玄虚的作案手法,令资深冷静的警员沙摩塞(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)和血气方刚的新扎警员米尔斯(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)都 陷入了破案的谜团中。他们去图书馆研读但丁的《神曲》,企图从人间地狱的描绘中找到线索,最后从宗教文学哲学的世界中找到了凶手作案计划和手段的蛛丝马迹。凶手前 来投案自首,这令众人都松了一口气,以为案件就此结束,怎料还是逃不出七宗罪的杀人逻辑,这次凶手瞄准的目标,是那个犯了“愤怒”罪的人……
推荐理由:电影史上最成功的心理惊悚片,一幕让人发狂的人生戏剧,一部具 有浓厚哲学意味的警世录。
Orphan 孤儿
Kate Coleman (Farmiga) and her husband John (Sarsgaard) are experiencing strains in their marriage after Kate's third child was stillborn. The loss is particularly hard on Kate, who is also recovering from alcoholism. They adopt Esther (Fuhrman), a 9-year-old Russian girl, from the local orphanage. While Kate and John's deaf-mute daughter Max (Aryana Engineer) embraces Esther almost immediately, their son Daniel (Jimmy Bennett) is less welcoming...
意外流产让满心期待宝宝降生的约翰(Peter Sarsgaard 饰)和凯特(Vera Farmiga 维拉·法米加 饰)深受打击,凯特精神几近崩溃,而他们的婚姻也岌岌可危。为了挽救濒临破败婚姻,这对夫妇前往孤儿院希望收养一个孩子。在这里,他们见到了有些特立独行的小女孩伊斯特(Isabelle Fuhrman 伊莎贝尔·福尔曼 饰)。小女孩所散发出的独特气质吸引了约翰夫妇,最终伊斯特成为他们家庭中的一员。然而, 随着伊斯特的到来,各种离奇事件接踵而至。凯特隐约感到,这个长着天使面容的小女孩背后有着不为人知的一面……
Perfume 香水
Grenouille (French for "frog") is an unwanted Parisian orphan who, having no personal scent (learned later in the narrative), is rejected by others because they are unwittingly disturbed by him, later understood to the reader as stemming from his lack of odour. He has an extraordinary power to discern odours, and comes to loathe the scent of other people. He becomes apprenticed to a tanner at the age of eight, and after work explores the city. One day he smells a divine scent and follows it, and is shocked to find that the source of this beautiful scent is a young virginal girl just passing puberty (14-15 years old)...
十八世纪,让-马普蒂斯特·格雷诺耶(本·韦肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)出生在巴黎最肮脏、最恶臭不堪的地方——鱼市场上。格雷诺耶天生对气味有着惊人的天赋:无论恶臭还芳香,他都一一记住,并能轻易分辨各种气味。当他在孤儿院长到13岁的时候,被院长卖给了制皮匠。格雷诺耶在制皮铺过着犬马不如的生活。机缘巧合,格雷诺耶在香水巴尔蒂尼面前展露了其过人的天赋,进入了香水铺工作。但格·雷诺耶并不仅仅满足于制作出世界上最芳香的香水,他梦想学得如何保存万物气味的方法。巴尔蒂尼告诉格雷诺耶香水的起源地在格拉斯,那里的人知道保存气味的方法。格·雷诺耶拿着巴尔蒂尼的推荐信来到了格拉斯。格雷诺耶爱上了青春少女的体香,为了把这种香味保存下来,格雷诺耶最终走上了杀手的道路。
The Devil's Advocate
The Devil's Advocate 魔鬼代言人
Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves), a defense attorney in Jacksonville, Florida, has never lost a case. He defends a schoolteacher, Mr. Gettys (Chris Bauer), against a charge of child molestation. During the trial, Kevin learns his client is guilty. A reporter tells him, "Nobody wins 'em all". Through a harsh cross-examination, Kevin destroys the credibility of the victim (Heather Matarazzo).
Kevin is approached by a representative of the New York law firm Milton, Chadwick & Waters, who offers him a large sum of money to help the firm with a jury selection. After his jury delivers a not guilty verdict, John Milton (Al Pacino) offers Kevin a large salary and a swanky apartment if he joins the firm. Despite his Evangelical Christian mother, Alice's (Judith Ivey) warning about sinful big city life, Kevin accepts the job and moves with his wife Mary Ann (Charlize Theron) to Manhattan...
凯文(Keanu Reeves饰)是个保持不败记录的年轻律师,娇妻相伴,事业有为的 他宛如生活在天堂一般。受到纽约著名事务所的邀请,他携妻子来到纽约。奢华的生活 近在前,一切似乎都昭示着明天的坦途与光明。老板米尔顿(Al Pacino饰)对凯文非常赏识,不断地委以重任,同时也带他见识了五光十色的世界。面临着工作的压力和色情,名利各个方面的诱惑,凯文渐渐的迷失在生活中,甚至忽视了妻子精神上的反常。 直到失常的妻子自刎在他的臂弯中,凯文才猛然意识到身边的危机。凯文愤怒的指责米尔顿给他设下陷阱。然而,究竟是魔鬼的诱惑还是内心的虚荣将凯文引向今日的迷雾与深渊?自由意志下凯文又会做出怎样的抉择?