
William Schaffner on U.S. egg safety


Today, egg safety.


In summer 2010, about half a billion eggs were recalled in the United States due to suspected salmonella contamination. Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University, said that, right now, some of the safest eggs available to Americans are from small farms.


William Schaffner: The local farm is not an absolute guarantee of safety. But eggs from local farms are more apt to be safe from salmonella than on large farms, simply because in the large operations, if you get some contamination, it can spread widely.


He said that at industrial farms – which supply most supermarkets around the U.S. – hundreds to thousands of hens might become infected at the same time.


William Schaffner: The infected hen can actually instill the salmonella into the interior of the egg and the only way we can avoid that infection is by cooking the eggs thoroughly when we get them. And by ‘thoroughly,’ I mean no runny scrambled.


He added that, in the United Kingdom, farmers must, by law, vaccinate their chickens against salmonella. He said the same rules are mandated, at present, by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


