
识骨寻踪第五季第7集 啃泥小矮人
Booth还在为脑瘤手术留下的后遗症而困扰,他得再考一次FBI的射击证书,但他的枪法却比动刀子之前有所退步了。与此同时Jeffersonian对一具在阴沟里发现的侏儒遗体进行调查。死者叫做Bryce DaFonte,绰号是“钢铁妖精”,他生前在一个出名的摔跤联盟里参加比赛,这也让他四处结怨,从手下败将,到往日情人,无不想要置他于死地。(PS:这集有Gordon-gordon哦,耶~~~)


Episode 5.07 The Dwarf in the Dirt

Airs: Nov.12, 2009
Booth, still suffering some lingering effects from his brain surgery, has to get re-certified for FBI marksmanship, but is not the accurate shot he was before going under the knife. Meanwhile, the team at the Jeffersonian investigates the remains of a little person discovered in a sinkhole. The victim, Bryce DaFonte, also known as "The Iron Leprechaun," competed in a popular wrestling league, but the popularity of the franchise left him with many enemies, including bitter competitors and scorned lovers, any of whom could have caused his downfall.
