Congratulations are in order for Once Upon a Time's Robin Hood. Sean Maguire and his wife Tanya have welcomed their first child.
恭喜《童话镇》男星Robin Hood。Sean Maguire和妻子Tanya已经迎来了他们第一个孩子。

The baby boy, named Flynn Patrick Maguire (Flynn is Tanya's maiden name), was born on Tuesday in Vancouver, Canada where his dad is shooting for the ABC fairy-tale drama.
他们给孩子取名叫Flynn Patrick Maguire,孩子在美国时间周二于加拿大Vancouver出生,孩子爸爸也正好在这个城市拍摄ABC童话改编剧集《童话镇》。

"We are truly blessed to have such a healthy and beautiful baby boy," the couple said in a statement.