
TV Guide的Matt Ausiello透露了《越狱》相关的一些剧情。他说在季中休假后《越狱》至少还有6集的戏,这样总共就能达到22集。“如果福克斯电视台决定这是全剧的最后一季,那就会在22集以外增加2小时特集作为全剧的收尾。”至于《越狱》接下去的剧情,在第四季第15集中我们就能了解锡拉的真面目,同时要与一个常驻角色道别。然后在第四季第16集中,另一个主要角色将离开。


Matt Ausiello with TV Guide has some scoop for Prison Break. Matt says that at minimum Prison Break will have six more episodes after the midseason break. This will make it 22 episodes. “Should Fox decide this is the series’ final season, the buzz is that two additional hours will be tacked on, to properly wrap things up.” As for what’s up next in Prison Break, in Episode 4.15 we learn what Scylla really is and say goodbye to a series regular. And then in Episode 4.16 we see yet another major player die.



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