《记忆神探》大结局 最终嫌犯揭晓
2013-10-04 15:34
Film vet and Combat Hospital alum Elias Koteas will guest-star in the season finale of CBS’ Unforgettable as a man whom Carrie Wells comes to believe killed her sister all those years ago, TVLine has learned exclusively.
As viewers of the freshman drama know, Carrie (played by Poppy Montgomery) saw a man in the woods the day of Rachel’s murder but has never been able remember his face — ironic for someone otherwise boasting a super-memory.
But as Carrie follows clues to be laid by the mysterious Walter Morgan (played by James Urbaniak) in the weeks to come, she will be pointed to Koteas’ character: Sam Rhodes, a onetime Syracuse cop who left the force 27 years ago. Fueling Carrie’s suspicion of Rhodes is the fact that circumstantial evidence links him to the recent murder of a 14-year-old Syracuse girl. Because of the similarities between that killing and Rachel’s, Carrie travels to Solvay Syracuse to confront the former lawman.
但是凯莉顺着神秘人摩根留下的线索最终找到了嫌疑犯——由伊莱亚斯·科泰斯扮演的山姆·罗兹, 27年前曾为锡拉丘兹警局效力过的一名警察。山姆·罗兹因涉嫌谋杀一名14岁的锡拉丘兹女孩被捕,相同的杀人手法使凯莉联想到,他很有可能就是当年杀死姐姐的凶手。于是凯莉决定前往锡拉丘兹去看看这名嫌犯。
Koteas, whose film credits include The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Thin Red Line and Crash, most recently appeared on TV in the ABC summer series Combat Hospital and FX’s Lights Out.