网校8周年:除了看美剧  你应该这样学口语

Randall 想要参加他俩闺女的家长职业日,向所有学生介绍他的工作,但是他的工作有些复杂也不酷。

Kevin 因为表演不出悲怆而被同事拉到了一个讣告会场。

Kate 得到了工作,她也了解到了雇主的女儿也有些 chubby girl issue,就和当年的她一样。

回到父母那一辈,学校的老师发现 Randall 有很大天赋,可以送到私立学校好好培养。

但是父母有点担心他会和Kate 以及 Kevin 有隔阂。

Hit on 这个词组是一个使用频率非常之高的一个词组。Hit on 一般是有三个含义。
1. If you hit on an idea or a solution to a problem, or hit upon it, you think of it. 突然想到的意思。
【例句】After running through the numbers in every possible combination, we finally hit on a solution.

2.If someone hits on you, they speak or behave in a way that shows they want to have a sexual relationshipwith you. 挑逗诱惑的意思。
【例句】She was hitting on me and I was surprised and flattered.

3.Beat sb. 打击某人。要注意分别 hit in, hit on 和 hit at 的区别。
hit in 与软组织搭配,如: face,stomach,eye
hit on 与硬组织搭配,如: shoulder,head,back,mouth
hit at+名词(对...打),如: He hit at the thief but missed. 他朝著窃贼打去,但没打中。

Take it out on sb. 这个词组和 take sth out 的含义是不一样的。大家需要注意区分。
Take it out on sb. is to treat someone badly because you are upset or angry,even though they have donenothing wrong.

【例句】I know you've had a bad day, but there's no need to take it out on me!

Midlife crisis 中年危机。
【例句】Feeling old, overworked and underappreciated, Shrek is clearly having a midlife crisis.
