Part 2

纵观历年雅思口语考试真题,语言题目在第二部分cue card中的数量有限,反复出现的有以下几道:

① Describe another language that you would like to learn. You should say:

·what this language is

·how you would learn it

·what difficulties you think you would have (or, might have) when learning this language.

And explain why you would choose to study this language.

② Describe a foreign language you want to learn (besides/except) English.

③ Describe something useful for your English learning.

④ Describe a useful way to study English.

⑤ Describe a useful tool that helps you learn other languages.

⑥ Describe something that will help you to learn foreign languages.


1 对某一非英语的外语语种的描述,如①②题:

虽然第①题没有明确说明except English,但肯定不宜以英语来发挥。考生在备考时一定要对另一种其它语言做充足的了解和准备。但万变不离其宗,就其具体内容而言,不论是学习语言的方法还是困难,考生们在描述过程中仍然可以借用英语学习过程中的经验。

2 对具体的语言学习方法和学习工具的描述,如③④⑤⑥题:


Part 3    


1 对语言学习本身及学习过程的讨论:


① Is learning a second language important? Why?

② Is it necessary to learn a foreign language?

③ What are the benefits of learning a foreign language?

④ Are there any drawbacks in learning a new language?

⑤ How do you learn a new language?

⑥ Would games be helpful to learning a foreign language?

⑦ Which language you have learned is the most useful one?

⑧ In your opinion, which languages will become more popular in the future?

⑨ Which language is important for you beside Chinese and English?