
  According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________.

  There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: ______________.

  Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________.

  Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like ______________ because ______________. Besides, ______________.

  ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ______________. While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________.

  Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

  For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now.

  It has stipulated by the government that ______________. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________.

  ______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, ______________ can’t be avoided.

  ______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way.

  Recently, ______________ has become the focus of the society, and in this way.. People swarm to ______________.

  ______________ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well.

  Man is now facing a big problem-______________, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ______________ second, ______________.

  Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of ______________.

  It is only during the last years that man has become generally aware that ______________.

  There is an old saying, ______________. It’s the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases ever today.

  The English proverb says, ______________. This is quite true because ______________.

  One of our ancient philosophers said, ______________. Chinese people have always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.

  One of the great early writers said that ______________. If this is true, the present situation should make us ponder over ______________.

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