
Our destination now is Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world, also the deepest of the Lakes. There is a graceful stillness on Lake Superior. The rounded humped mountains along the shores look like burial mounds of the gods. The ship slowly steams up to Fort William. The town wears the look of any city, but what strikes one most is the gleaming tracks and lines of cars. Forty-eight hours later we enter Lake Michigan. It is the only one of the lakes that built Chicago. It is the main route of the Oceangoing ships. Its shores are green and tangled in the north and white with dunes to the east. Now the whole lake is glassy, and the sky is black. There are distant rumbles, and suddenly the storm comes. In no time the ship begins to lift and roll. The curtains swing. Lightning illuminates the whole ship. From that windless dusk to this black age, tomorrow the ship is to reach Chicago. Chicago? Shouldn't it be a port it England or France? Well, it is better to lie and listen to the water.
我们的目的地是苏必利尔湖,它是世界上最大的淡水湖,也是最深的湖。苏必利尔湖优雅而平静。沿岸有圆形的驼峰似的群山,仿佛是天神的坟茔。   船缓缓地顺流而上至威廉堡。城镇带有城市的面貌,但最为引人注目的是灯光闪烁的轨道,和一排排的汽车。48小时后,我们进入密歇根湖。这是五大湖中唯一缔造了芝加哥这座城市的湖,是远洋船只的出海通道。岸的北边是一片绿树,枝丫盘桓,而东边是一片白色的沙丘。   目前整个湖面平静如镜,此时天色已黑。远处转来轰隆声,风暴突如其来。船体即刻上下左右摇摆。帘子被吹得乱颤,闪电照亮了整个船舱。从无一丝风色的黄昏到此时的一片黑暗。明天船将到达芝加哥。到芝加哥吗?还是英国或法国的某个港口?嗯,现在最好躺下,静听雨声。