

China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs.
irrational She was prey to irrational fears. jerk He jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wood. junction The hydro-power station stands at the junction of two rivers. leaflet He was standing at the door of the theater handing out leaflets. legislator Most of the legislators followed the lead of the governor. liability If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may go bankrupt. linear The linear equation is so difficult that few pupils have worked it out.
irrational 不合理的;荒谬的 She was prey to irrational fears. 非理性的恐惧折磨着她。 jerk 痉挛;猛拉 He jerked out the knife that was stuck in the wood. 他猛然抽出卡在木头上的小刀。 junction 接合;交叉点 The hydro-power station stands at the junction of two rivers. 水力发电站建在两条河流的交汇处。 leaflet 传单 He was standing at the door of the theatre handing out leaflets. 他站在电影院门口,发传单。 legislator 立法者 Most of the legislators followed the lead of the governor. 大多数的立法者听命于政府领导。 liability 责任;债务 If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may go bankrupt. 如果你的债务超过你的资产,那么你可能会破产。 linear 线型的 The linear equation is so difficult that few pupils have worked it out. 线性方程很难,几乎没有学生能解。