"ponder" is to "weight".

Medicare 单词句中均如此~

$1 billion

China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs.
literal The literal meaning of "ponder" is to "weight". luminous The hands on my alarm clock are luminous. malpractice Various malpractice by police officers are brought to light by the enquiry. mastery Her mastery of the piano was quite exceptional for a child of her age. Medicare The Medicare cost is estimated to be $1 billion. merge The two marching columns moved closer and finally merged together.
literal 文字的;逐字 The literal meaning of "ponder" is to "weight". 这个单词的字面意思是“重量”。 luminous 发光的;明亮的 The hands on my alarm clock are luminous. 手放在我的闹钟上,可以发光。 malpractice 玩忽职守;不法行为 Various malpractice by police officer are brought to light by the enquiry. 警察的各种渎职行为经调查已揭露出来。 mastery 掌握;精通 Her mastery of the piano was quite exceptional for a child of her age. 她精通钢琴,这一点是她这个年纪的孩子很少见。 Medicare 医疗保险 The Medicare cost is estimated to be one billion dollars. 老年医疗保健费用估计为十亿元。 merge 合并;融合 The two marching columns moved closer and finally merged together. 这两个游行纵队越走越近,最终合并在一起。