

China will adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy in dealing with international affairs.
installment They were paying for their house in installments of $2,000 a month for three years. institutional The old man is in need of institutional care. intent The court has to decide if he entered the building with intent to steal. intervene The government had to intervene in the strike. intricate The whole case is very intricate. The lawyers have to handle it very carefully. invalid Your ticket has passed its expiry date, so it is now invalid. invariably The security guards are invariably ex-service men. investigator The investigators recessed for lunch. investor Some investors will take losses, some organizations will fail, but the overall economy and the market are healthy enough to absorb all this negative effects.
installment 分期付款 They were paying for their house in installments of $2,000 a month for three years. 他们买房,采用分期付款,三年期,每月2000美元。 institutional 制度的;制度上的 The old man is in need of institutional care. 老人需要机构式照顾。 intent 意图;目的 The court has to decide if he entered the building with intent to steal. 法院需要判定他进入大楼是否有偷盗的意图。 intervene 干涉;调停 The government had to intervene in the strike. 政府不得不为罢工调停。 intricate 复杂的;错综的 The whole case is very intricate. The lawyers have to handle it very carefully. 整个案件非常复杂。律师们需要小心处理。 invalid 无效的;有病的 Your ticket has passed its expiry date, so it is now invalid. 你的票已经过了有效期了,所以现在无效。 invariably 总是;不变地 The security guards are invariably ex-service men. 这些保安都是清一色的退役的男人。 investigator 研究者;调查者 The investigators recessed for lunch. 调查员们休息吃午餐。 investor 投资者 Some investors will take losses, some organizations will fail-but the overall economy and the market are healthy enough to absorb all this negative effects. 一些投资者将承担损失,一些组织将会失败,但整体经济和市场是健康的,足以应付所有负面的影响。