

  中华老字号(China centuries-old/time-honored brands)是指那些历史悠久并拥有良好信誉的中国企业。这些企业往往具有鲜明的中华民族传统文化特征,拥有高品质的产品、技艺或服务,取得广泛的社会认同。同仁堂(Tongrentang)和全聚德(Quanjude)均属北京的老字号。同仁堂创建于1669年,其药品以优良的传统工艺和显著的疗效享誉海内外。以北京烤鸭闻名的全聚德创建于1864年,是中国著名的饭店。



  China time-honored brands refer to the Chinesecompanies which have 汪 long history as well as agood reputation. With distinct characteristics oftraditional Chinese culture, they get extensivepublic recognition by offering good-qualityproducts, techniques or services. Both Tongrentangand Quanjude are the time-honored brands in Beijing. Tongrentang was founded in 1669,andits medical products have enjoyed a good reputation both at home and abroad for excellenttraditional manufacturing techniques and good effects. Founded in 1864 and well-known for itsBeying roast ducks, Quanjude is a famous restaurant in China.


  1.第1句中的定语“历史悠久并拥有良好信誉的”较长,故将其处理成定语从句Which have a long history as well as agood reputation,也可用介词短语 with a long historyand a good reputation 来表达。


  3.倒数第2句“同仁堂创建于1669年,其药品......”可用并列结构译出:Tongrentang was founded in1669, and its medical products...。“以优良的传统工艺和显著的疗效”用介词短语for excellenttraditional manufacturing techniques and good effects 来表达。

  4.在最后一句中,将“是中国著名的饭店”处理成主干:Quanjude is a famous restaurant in China。将“以北京烤鸭闻名的全聚德创建于1864年”处理成两个并列的状语,“创建于1864年的”和“以北京烤鸭闻名的”, 按照时间逻辑关系,用分词短语译出 Founded in 1864 and well-known for its Beijing roast ducks。






  China has a vast land and a large population. Even though the Chinese language is spoken all over the country, people in different areas speak it in different ways, which are called dialects. Generally called local languages, dialects are branches of the Chinese language in different regions, and are only used in certain areas. Dialects of the Chinese language are very complicated. They differ from each other in three aspects: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. And the difference in pronunciation is the most outstanding. Over 2000 years ago, Chinese people realized that a common language should be used in social activities. Compared with dialects, mandarin can be understood by all people in China. The use of mandarin can contribute to information transmission and cultural exchange between ethnic groups and people in different places.




  China has a vast land and a large population


  branches of A in different regions


  information transmission


  cultural exchange


  social activities