本次六级听力考试文章来自Psychology Today, Friendship, Making Peace: A Reading / Writing / Thinking Text on Global Community等国外网站和原版著作。主题包括科技与运动、国际贸易、工作氛围、基因与肥胖、影响友谊的因素、恐龙遗址以及家庭关系。语速适中,文章难度略微偏大,出现了一些较难听懂高难词汇,如,cutthroat,plagued,autonomy,paroled等。但是提示词明显,做题难度不大。
1. 文章开头。例如,长对话1,Question 1:What do we learn about Anna Sanchez?(关于Anna Sanchez我们能得知什么?)的答案来自文章开头句:Tonight, we have a very special guest. Mrs. Anna Sanchez is a three-time Olympic champion and author of the new book To the Edge. 再如,短文2,Question 12:What does the speaker say has aroused public interest?(讲话人说的什么内容引起了公众的兴趣?)答案来自文章开头句:Public interest was aroused by the latest discovery of a changed gene in obese life.
2. 文章结尾。比如,长对话2,Question 8:What does the woman say makes furniture marginally more profitable?(女人说什么使得家具业略微更加容易盈利?)答案来自文章最后一句:Furniture is marginally more profitable, mostly because it enjoys lower customs duties.
3. 提示词。例如,长对话2,Question 8:What does the woman say makes furniture marginally more profitable?(女人说什么使得家具业略微更加容易盈利?)的答案句中包含明显的原因提示词because;同样,演讲1,Question 18:What may threaten a friendship for both men and women?(什么品质会共同威胁到男人和女人之间的友谊?)的答案句中有明显的because of这样的原因提示词;再如,演讲3,Question 25:What does the speaker say older people tried their best to do?(讲话人说,老年人尽他们最大努力在做什么?)答案句前出出现了明显的提示词So。
1. 细节定位。例如长对话1后的Question 4:What is the man’s concern about the use of technology in sports competitions?(关于在运动中使用科技,男人的担忧是什么?),长对话2后的Question 8:What does the woman say makes furniture marginally more profitable?(女人说什么使得家具业略微更加容易盈利?),再如,演讲2后Question 19: Where can many of the best dinosaur specimens be found in North America?(在北美,人们可以在哪里找到很多最好的恐龙化石标本?)还有本次听力最后一题:What does the speaker say older people tried their best to do?(讲话人说,老年人尽他们最大努力在做什么?)
2. 原因考察。比如,长对话2,Question 8:What does the woman say makes furniture marginally more profitable?(女人说什么使得家具业略微更加容易盈利?),Question 15:What accounts for Americans’ obesity according to a survey by the Center of Disease Control?(根据疾控中心的一个调查,什么导致了美国的肥胖问题?)
3. 重要信息寻找。例如,演讲3后Q24:What is astonishing to the young mothers interviewed by the speaker?(什么让被采访的年轻妈妈们特别吃惊?),再如,演讲1后的Question 16:What quality do men value most concerning friendship according to a questionnaire response?(根据一个问卷调查的结果,关于友谊的什么品种是男人最在乎的?)
4. 信息推测。例如,演讲2后Question 21:What does the speaker suggest about the large number of dinosaur bones in the pit?(关于坑中大量的恐龙化石,演讲人暗示了什么?)