SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 minutes)

Directions:   Translate   the f ollowing  passage   into  Chinese   and  write  your   version  in  the
correspond ing spa ce in your ANSWER BOOKLET//

 For 8 years, students at Michigan State University borrowed tuition money directly   from   the   federal   government. But   last   spring,   university   officials
shucked   that   arrangement   and   signed   up   with   private   lenders   and   a   state agency that provided loans under a separate federal plan. They guaranteed a
profit   to   the   university—something   the   federal   government   could   not   do. Sounds sweet for Michigan State, but it's not so terrific for federal taxpayers,
who will almost certainly wind up shelling out $23.5 million more each year as a result of the change. Michigan State is not unique. Today, dozens of colleges and universities are abandoning   the   Department   of   Education's   direct-loan   plan,   lured   by   the promise    of  a  quick  buck  from  banks,   state  lending  agencies,  and  most significantly, Sallie Mae, the giant private lender based in Reston, Virginia. In all, 62 colleges and universities have dropped out of the Education Department's direct-loan program since 2000, and the list is growing. Sallie Mae has won over $1 billion in loan business from former direct-loan schools.

SECTION 4: TRANSLATION TEST (2) (30 minutes)

Directions: Translate the  f ollowing  passage into English and write  your version in the correspond ing spa ce in your ANSWER BOOKLET   

中华民族历来珍惜和平。中国的崛起,是和平的崛起,是依靠自己力量来发展自己。中外关系中,我们一贯主张以邻为伴、与人为善,同各国发展友好合作关系。 //


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