i dropper:神笔惊现江湖

i dropper:this wonderful stylus pen allows you to connect fast and move data between devices in a jiffy. Modeled on the eyedropper, this new-age thang allows you to “suck in” and “drop out” information such as a mobile application, text, or an image.
i dropper,这只神奇的笔借用了眼药水滴管的原理,可以用来随意“吸取”“移动”手机、平板电脑上的文件。


The button at the top controls the inwards-outwards action, which is reminiscent of the rubber tip of an eyedropper. The stored information is displayed (like liquid) with illuminated icons within the stem.


This easy step eliminates the complexities of existing transmission process between devices to an intuitive eyedropper method.


Unfortunately this wouldn't work with the iphone or mac because they don't react to any other "tip" other than your finger. That's an issue you would have to approach to start off with.
对i dropper这个概念产品,有网友评论道:iphone和苹果机上可能不太好用,因为它们的触屏只对手指触摸有感应。所以这是一个首要解决的问题。