I stand corrected.
= I admit that I was wrong 【口语】好吧,我错了。

Keep it small, hassle-free. 
hassle 麻烦,争论
hassle free就是省事儿,少找麻烦。想到麦兜里面的“你不要啊?哈哈哈哈,省啦。”

Could our self-imposed exile start after tomorrow? 
self-imposed exile 自愿承担的流放

you're making me work at the soup kitchen all day. 
soup kitchen 施粥所 a place where food is offered to the hungry for free or at a reasonably low price.
能表示同样意思的词儿还有a bread line和a meal center。一般竞选之类的活动吧,那些候选人都会做一些亲民的慈善义举,形象工程嘛。

She has some bomb. She wants to drop on me in a controlled environment surrounded by air marshals and French people.
drop bomb on 宣布坏消息

Amazing. Your holiday paranoia truly knows no bounds. 
paranoia 偏执狂 (唱:我亲爱的偏执狂~~~~~)
know no bounds 没分寸,没边界 not limited
know no bounds也是个习语

I didn't know the empire had hourly rates.
hourly rate 钟点工

thanks to last year's the longest yard, my knee can now predict the weather.
longest yard 指橄榄球,感恩节有橄榄球赛的传统。

I not talking with Vanya, and now he not stop calling and texting and tweeting and writing on wall.

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题