Chuck: She told you about our little run-in last night.
Nate: You told me you'd back off.

run-in: 偶遇
back off: 靠边站,不管这件事,和leave it alone很像,但是语气更加严厉。

Blair: I thought if I proved the North Caro liar was cheating with his ex, that would be it, but she fell for his business meeting excuse-- monkey business, more likely.
Chuck: With Serena and Poppy both fighting over the banana.
Blair: I'm really worried, Chuck. You know how Serena is. She gets in over her head. We need to expose this two-timer for what he is.

fall for: to be deceived or swindled by,对谎言深信不疑
monkey business: silly, mischievous, or deceitful acts or behavior. 骗人的把戏
get in: to become or cause to become involved 陷入
two-timer: to be unfaithful to (a spouse or lover), double-cross,辟腿的人,同时有两个女(男)朋友


Poppy: What an idiot I am! Using my connections for your company?
Gabrielle: Poppy, it is not like that. You know it's not. 

connections: 人际关系,也可以用networknetworking这个单词也可以做动词用,表示“搞人际关系,经营人际关系”

Jenny: Dad, my whole life, you said that I could do anything if I was willing to risk falling flat on my face. So why doesn’t that same advice apply to you? Right?
Rufus: Good point. 

fall flat (on one’s face): to fail to achieve a desired effect达不到预期效果, 完全失败
good point: 有道理

Chuck: So I heard you, uh, first met Serena on one of her infamous nights with Georgina. You know, I've always wanted to know what happened. It must be quite the story. 

infamous: 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的
It must be quite the story: 肯定大有文章,肯定有猛料 

Lily: Well, this is just the sort of thing that some of us at bass have been pushing for. Doing well by doing good.
Gabrielle: Yes. But the only thing is there's a ticking clock. Some of the major internet corporations are pushing to do a similar thing. If we act now, we block them completely and we make at least triple our investment.

a ticking clock: 时间不等人,老外还很喜欢说The clock is ticking, tick就是钟表的“滴答”声,同样也是表示urgent的意思。
