

Serena: Aaron is coming to meet my family before thanksgiving dinner.
Blair: And how do you plan to introduce him? "Mom, you DVR 'Big Love', this is Aaron, and he's just like Bill Paxton, only younger and with scruff." I'm serious. The Serena I know would never want to share a guy she really liked with anyone else.

DVR: Digital Video Recorder
Big Love是HBO的一部电视剧,剧中男主角Bill Paxton是讲述的是摩门教徒(Mormon),他和他年龄不同的三个妻子以及一大帮孩子们生活在一起。这里是讽刺Aaron那种“我虽然跟你谈恋爱,但是我们还是保持各自交往其他人的自由”的思想。

Blair: I'm so glad to have the house to myself. Cyrus took my mother to Jean-Georges for dinner. God knows why. Where's Warren Jeffs?
Serena: He's, um, making dinner for us, which would be completely romantic and amazing.

Jean Georges: 知名厨师,也是餐厅的名字,纽约有,上海的外滩三号也有,超贵超贵的。注意这个单词要用法语来念,所以Jean的发音有点像"让",大家可以留意08:10那段。
Warren Jeffs was the leader of a controversial polygamist(一夫多妻制) sect known as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS Church) from 2002 to 2007.Jeffs' position in this organization was reportedly that of absolute ruler. 跟前面的Bill Paxton一样,这里Blair又嘲讽了一下Aaron的花花思想。

Dorota Lovers Unite


The best maid of all time on the best show of all time.

Her ringtone is I'm a Slave 4 U

She has fashion sense! (coat last episode?) 这里指的是她在这一集里穿的红色斗篷

The sweet faces she makes when everything works out for the family she loves

The one where she was waking up blair.. and blair asked for more minutes.. and the dorota said: remember, God is watching!!

When she met Cyndi Lauper, all i wanted to do was hug her, she was so adorable all bubbly and exited.

When Blair is all :Are you crazy? And she goes: I don't know.(这出现在上一集里,她拿出平时用的餐具准备招待Cyrus,Blair觉得有失身份的那段,这也是我很喜欢的一段)

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