
Blair: I told you to put the roses on the table next to Cyrus' seat. Cary Grant always looked his best with white roses. Dorota, are you insane?
Dorota: I don't know.
Blair: You used the everyday china. Cyrus will think we're just common upper middle class.

look his best with: 白玫瑰总是能把他衬的很好看,注意英文表达语序跟中文是反的。Gary Grant是电影演员。
insane: 发疯除了freak out, 还可以说crazy, nuts, out of mind. 这个insane是发疯的“最高境界”,本意是神志不清。注意Dorota的回答,“怎么了”这句话,她没有回答what, 或者what happened, 而是说I don’t know. 我觉得这也是中文跟英文思维不同的一个地方。越来越觉得Dorota可爱了,不知道大家有没有跟我一样的想法。

Editor: If you're afraid of the man's wrath, we won't print your name, but if your reporting's as good as your fiction, I'll assign you another piece.
Dan: Look, I'm--I'm sorry, sir, but he's not an idiot. If I milk him for information, and you print it, he's--he's gonna know It came from me.

wrath: 愤怒
milk him for information: 这个milk用的非常好,像挤牛奶那样套取资料。另外还可以说dig up dirt,但是这里的dirt专门指绯闻或者负面的新闻,而information则比较中性,大家可以根据场合选择使用。

Dan: Well, I'm, uh, I'm newly interested in the construction business. I thought your dad could show me the ropes.

the ropes: 秘诀,规则,注意the ropes是固定搭配,必须一起使用。

Cyrus: $18 a flower? That's absurd.
Blair: Yeah, yeah, it, uh, It is a bit steep.

absurd和steep都表示不合理,贵的离谱的,所以除了expensive, 我们也可以多用用这两个单词。另外补充一点,cheap一般指价格便宜且质量很差的东西,真的“价廉物美”叫做it’s a bargain或者it’s a good deal.

And that way, your mother and I will be out of your hair for the party.

out of your hair: stop annoying or bothering you.



Serena: I think you were right. The whole muse thing kinda backfired.
Blair: Well, I would say I told you so, but since I'm now 18, I'll refrain.

muse: 缪斯女神,或者说灵感女神。任何激发你灵感的人或者东西,都可以说是你的muse.
backfired: 事与愿违,这种表达也是属于非native speaker比较少会想到要去用的地道词汇,大家可以重点注意一下。
refrain: 我会克制我自己的。

Cyrus: I sent my driver to dinner because I thought I'd be at the party ringing in your birthday.
Blair: You threw in the towel rather easily. I expected a harder fight.

throw in the towel: To quit in defeat. The phrase comes from boxing, in which a fighter indicates surrender by throwing a towel into the ring.

Blair: Fine. You're a genius. You better be good to my mother, or I'll be coming for you.

这里B对Cyrus说“你最好对我妈妈好一点,否则我会找你算帐的”,这个算帐,就是I'll be coming for you. 粗鲁一点的版本是I'll hunt you down and kick your ass. (清楚的记得老友记里,Monica跟Chandler结婚前夕,Ross作为哥哥,很严肃的对Chandler说了这样一段话“无论追到天涯海角,我都会来找你算帐的”)

Serena: Well, I can't believe Aaron is Cyrus' son.
Blair: Of course, you get the prince, and I get stuck with the toad.

toad: 癞蛤蟆,这里她们的对话其实是用了“青蛙王子”里的比喻。想到前面S第一次看到Aaron的爸爸,她有点惊讶(因为父子两人真的是一个是青蛙,一个是王子),而Aaron爸爸还很幽默的说You didn't catch the family resemblance?(你难道没看出我们两个长的很像吗)。

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