And I can't confront Catherine because the butler(管家) will remember me and she'll drop the dime on the captain.

confront: 正面对质。强调与某人正面对话,而且很有自信。
drop the dime on: 告密,the act of snitching, ratting, or otherwise disclosing information meant to hurt or discredit someone else. This a play on tips and selling someone out.

How can I use this to get Nate off the hook?

off the hook: 从某个困境中解放出来,这个说法来自于形容鱼脱离鱼钩,引申的含义就表示逃离困境、责难等不好的情况。另外,the phone is off the hook,表示电话没有挂好。


Hooking up with your dad's second wife? I thought my family was twisted, but you people take the cake.

hook up with:
这里指have sex,不过当它表示这个意思的时候,你hook up的对象,通常不是你的恋人或者爱人,就比如Catherine和Marcus这种的。hook up还可以指make out(亲热)或者hang out(外出约会)。总之两个人搞在一起了,就可以用hook up.
take the cake: to be the winner. 以前美国南部的奴隶主会举行一种叫做cakewalking的比赛,参加比赛的都是黑奴,步态优美者就能获得一块蛋糕作为奖励。

- It's only happened a few times, and I put a stop to it when I met you.
- I really opened myself up to you.
- Can't... can't we still...
- Oh, please. I just want to get through this without throwing up in my mouth.

open myself up to you: 我向你敞开了心扉
throw up: “吐”在口语中最常用的就是throw up和puke了,至于vomit,是医学上的讲法。

Catherine, whatever it is, just spare me. What do you mean? Vanessa talked to the duke? No, I told her to stay out of this.

spare me: give me a break, 放过我,饶了我,别来烦我了
stay out of this: 不要插手这件事情。

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