Maybe now we'll hit it off.
hit it off 与某人处得来
hit的意思很多啦,可以在这边查看:影视口语:美剧高频词 hit勾搭上路

- I think every girl goes through a forbidden guy phase. It's... you know, it explains why vampires are so popular right now.
- Well, if he were a vampire, I could slip garlic in her waffles, not that she'd eat them. 

You just jumped to conclusions,
jump to conclusion 妄下结论
固定搭配,总觉得用jump这个词很妙啊。喜欢这个说法:Don't jump to conclusion.

it's no wonder that your marriage is going down the toilet. 
go down the toilet 付诸东流,白费功夫
did she tell you about her little plan to seduce Damien and have Jenny walk in on it? 
walk in on 不经意撞见 Enter somewhere unexpectedly and see something

She turns up out of the blue, 
out of the blue 突如其来,从天而降 From an unexpected or unforeseen source
这里的blue指的是blue sky蓝天,那么out of blue就有点晴天霹雳的意思,表示出乎意料地出现

You expect us to buy that? 
buy 【口语】相信

It was worth a shot.
worth a shot 值得一试

I'm not gonna make a scene.
make a scene (当众)吵闹 to make a public display or disturbance.
注意不要和make the scene混淆了,那是出席某场合的意思。

Did the upper east side crown cut off the circulation to your brain?

I don't think the business has the luxury of waiting around to see.

Clean slate. 
Clean slate 一笔勾销

the kind of happy that people write embarrassing songs about.

时尚装扮 地道口语 尽在绯闻女孩华丽专题