3. 2011·四川成都4月月考 完形填空 

I was recently invited to lecture on anxiety to several hundred mental-health professionals. My talk was scheduled to ____21__those of a number of famous psychiatrists. When my turn came, I was especially ___22__ because the speaker before me had been particularly impressive and charming. As I approached the podium(讲台), my heart pounded and my mouth went completely ___23__.

What am I doing here? I asked myself. To make matters worse, my presentation partly __24___ with fear of public speaking. To ___25__ myself, I tried an unusual way. I asked the audience,” How many of you feel nervous__26___ you give a speech. Nearly every hand __27__. “Well, that’s exactly _28__ I feel right now!”

The audience___29__ with laughter. I relaxed and was able to get on with my __30__. 

__31__, we all find ourselves in a __32___ that makes us nervous. Perhaps you’re afraid of saying __33___things at a drinking party, stumbling over a presentation at work or having your __34__go blank during a test. For some of us the anxiety is so __35__ that it is personally and professionally incapability.___36__ the years, my work with hundreds of patients has taught me that __37__ can increase his or her social ___38___, even in the most stressful situations. And I have a few simple but helpful___39__, such as tackling your fears one step at a time; focusing on others; ___40__anxity into energy and stopping comparing yourself, which I think are of great value to us in our work.

21. A. take    B. follow    C. observe     D. learn

22. A. worriedB. eager      C. nervous     D. anxious

23. A. sweet    B. wet        C. bad     D. dry

24. A. dealt     B. went   C. stayed   D. left 

25. A. comfort   B. calm   C. enjoy   D. delight 

26. A. during    B. while    C. before    D. when 

27. A. went up   B. raised   C. lifted   D. brought up

28. A. what     B. how    C. when     D. why

29. A. shouted    B. cried    C. responded   D. answered

30. A. job       B. idea      C. speech     D. nervousness

31. A. At times   B. At any time   C. All the time  D. At one time

32. A. state      B. condition    C. situation    D. position

33. A. foolish      B. wonderful    C. believable    D. false 

34. A. head      B. mind    C. heart    D. brain

35. A. important    B. valuable    C. difficult   D. strong

36. A. For       B. Through    C. During    D. Over

37. A. anyone    B. someone   C. none   D. no one 

38. A. position    B. experience   C. knowledge   D. confidence

39. A. tips       B. ideas   C. means   D. abilities

40. A. putting     B. turning  C. forcing   D. getting

21--25:BCDAB   26--30:DABCC   31--35:ACABD   
