【新编大学英语】(第一册)Unit 9 A 变味的圣诞节(2/4)
2013-02-27 08:15
Stomach Week
Christmas is supposed to be a time to express our love and goodwill towards others. It is supposed to be a time when we perform acts of kindness for people less fortunate than ourselves. But do we think of other people when we sit down to your Christmas dinner? Of course not – we're too busy eating those delicious foods associated with Christmas. We are too busy wondering whether the presents we gave were as nice or better than the ones we received. We forget to think of the sick and the homeless. The whole idea of Christmas now is largely unchristian – I'm sure that Christ would be distressed if he could see what sort of celebrations are being carried out in his name.
So I'm against Christmas – I agree with Scrooge:"it's all humhub." If we're going to continue with this tasteful, thoughtless ceremony, then let's be truthful about it, and call it "Stomach Week" – but let's get rid of the hypocritical pretence that Christmas is "the season of goodwill". Let's face it, Christmas is a holiday that has lost its meaning.