OMG:短信今年19岁 第一条短信是“圣诞快乐”
作者:lazyfelix 译
来源:mail online
2011-12-15 13:07
(发送史上第一条短信的英国工程师Neil Papworth:Happy Christmas!)
OMG: Text messaging turns 19 this week … and this is the Brit we have to thank for our sore thumbs
OMG: 手机短信今年19岁了 我们要感谢的是这位英国小伙子!
Text messaging turns 19 this week but what few people know is that the first person to send one was in fact a British engineer.
While many might have assumed it would have emanated from some high-tech office in Silicon Valley, California, it came from an office in Newbury, Berkshire.
And the man who sent it was Neil Papworth who aged 22 texted Vodafone director Richard Jarvis at a staff Christmas party the full greeting 'Happy Christmas' - not, note, 'Happy Xmas'.
第一条短信的发送者名叫尼尔·帕普沃思(Neil Papworth),发送这条短信时他年仅22岁。短信的接收者名叫理查德·贾维斯(Richard Jarvis),他是跨国移动电话运营商沃达丰公司的部门经理,收到这条短信时他正在公司的圣诞派对上,短信的内容是:圣诞快乐(Happy Christmas)——注意:不是简写的Happy Xmas。
Mr Papworth sent the SMS (or Short Message Service) from his work computer to an Orbitel 901 handset on the Vodafone network and thereby set off a revolution in the way we communicate, date, work and network.
帕普沃思用他的办公电脑发出的这条短信,通过沃达丰的网络,收到短信的是一部欧比特 901手机。从此,短信革命性的改变了我们的通信、约会、工作和社交模式。
'I was a young engineer working on new communications technologies. We thought SMS was a clever way for a company's staff to send simple messages to one another,' Mr Papworth told the SMS & Mobile Messaging Association at a gathering to mark the 15th anniversary.
'I'd never have predicted that it would spread into the consumer world and become what it is today. At the time it didn't seem like a big deal.'
And ever since that December day in 1992 the number of texts has grown and grown giving rise to an entirely new vernacular.
What would life now be without OMG, LOL, TTYL and 'cya l8er'?And - heaven forbid - emoticons?
如果没有了OMG(Oh my god 额滴神), LOL(大笑),TTYL(Talk to you later 一会儿聊), 'cya l8er'(see you later 回见),或者没有了那些表情符号,我们现在的生活会是什么样子?
For many teens, who have never known life without a mobile phone, the world pre-texting seems inconceivable.
One phone per family? In the hall? With the whole family wanting to use it? How did that work?
But now landlines and snail mail are long gone, pagers and the fax machine were over before they began, and the world has been left texting, tweeting, chatting and IM’ing into oblivion.
Still, the take up of texting was slow.
Considering the first was sent in 1992, messaging didn’t become commonplace until the early 2000s. In fact, in 1995 mobile phone customers sent only 0.4 messages on average each per month.
Post 2000 however things changed and texting took off. Some 8 trillion text messages will be sent in 2011 - or over 15 million each minute.
The biggest texters are from the subscribers in the Philippines who text an average of 27 messages each day.
In last year alone SMS texts generated $114.6 billion in global revenues.
That’s just the beginning, according to the experts, who estimate that mobile networks will earn $726 billion from SMS text messaging over the next five years.
While some may resent the little messages for causing a demise in verbal communication, for many the humble text is a quick route out of an unwanted chat.
‘If you call, the conversation can go on and on. With texting you can just say “Meet me here in ten” and you’re done,’ Rachel Claire, an avid texter, told Mail Online.
“如果打电话,对话可能会没完没了的进行下去。而发短信的话,你只需要告诉对方‘十点在这儿见面’就好了。” 短信拥趸瑞秋·克莱尔(Rachel Claire)告诉每日邮报记者。
Many are wondering whether the SMS is also in danger of becoming a communication relic; with email messaging from phones such as Blackberrys or Apple’s Imessage in danger of taking over.
Only time will tell.