450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 1,难度比较容易 Summary:本段对话主要讲的是一位男士想要应聘酒店的临时员工,打电话进行咨询。对话中男士询问了工作的时间、薪资、着装要求、入职日期等。对话最后女士向男士介绍了后续的流程,并给出了建议。 HINTS er Jane Urwin U-R-W-I-N um okay double-0 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
Er, one last thing, I don't know what the starting date is. Just a minute, I think it's some time around the end of June. Yes, the 28th, in time for the summer. That's great. I'm available from the 10th. Oh good. Well, if you can call again you need to speak to the Service Manager. Her name's Jane Urwin, that's U-R-W-I-N, and she'll probably arrange to meet you. Okay. And when's the best time to ring? Could you call tomorrow? Um, she usually starts checking the rooms at midday, so before then if you can, so she'll have more time to chat. I'll just give you her number because she's got a direct line. Thanks. It's 832 double-0 9. 823 double-0 9? 832. Oh, okay. Yes, I'll do that. And by the way, she will ask you for a reference, so you might like to be thinking about that. You know, just someone who knows you and can vouch for you. Yes, no problem. Well, thanks very much for your help. You're welcome. Bye. Bye.