
●  谢谢介绍者

1. Thank you, Mr. Gibson, for that kind introduction.

2. I appreciate the introduction, Mr. Gibson.

3. Thank you for the warm welcome, Mr. Gibson.

先表示你很感激介绍人,最好把他的名字也说出来。致谢意的词有"thank" 和 "appreciate",后者较为正式一些。

●  简介自己

1. Just to let you know a little about myself.

2. I won't take up much of your time, but I just want to introduce myself.

3. Let me just briefly tell you a little about myself.

接下来的表达重点是要让人知道你的演讲主题--自我介绍,同时表明这段话不长,不会占用大家太多的时间。 "Let you know"等于 "tell you" ; "a little"和 "briefly"都是用来形容"简短"的字汇。

●  未来的职责

1. I'll be heading up the U.S. and Canadian division of Action's sales force.

2. I'll be in charge of managing the American and Canadian accounts.

3. My main responsibilities will include directing our operations in the States and Canada.

介绍的重点之一是解说自己未来工作的主要内容,或是说明自己将在哪个部门工作。关键词为"head up","division"。

●  邀同事合作

1. I look forward to hearing each of your views on our present and future prospects.

2. I'm anxious to hear your feelings about our future plans.

3. My door is always open to your suggestions and ideas.

在结尾时,应表示自己很诚心地邀请同事们与你合作,欢迎同仁前来赐教。"Look forward to+n. (V.-ing)",为"期待、盼望"的意思。



1. 谢谢介绍者


2. 自我介绍


3. 新职与经验


4. 多多指教
