V 前后总结

What was education like in Professor Wang’s days?
A. Students worked very hard.
B. Students felt they needed a second degree.
C. Education was not career-oriented.
D. There were many specialized subjects.

N: Professor Wang, you’re now Professor Emeritus of Australian National University. And in your long academic career, you’ve worn many hats as tutor, lecturer, department head, dean, professor and vice-chancellor. However, as I know, you are still very fond of your university days as a student.
W: That’s right. That was in 1949. The university I went to was a brand new university then and the only one in the country at that time. When I look back, it was an amazingly small university and we knew everybody.
N: How did the students like you, for example, study then?
W: We did not study very hard because we did not have to. We didn’t have all this fantastic competition that you have today.
N: Mm.
W: Eh, we were always made to feel that getting a fi rst degree in the Arts Faculty was not preparation for a profession. It was a general education. We were not under any pressure to decide on our careers and we had such a good time. We were left very much on our own and were encouraged to make things happen.


Which of the following is NOT part of her job with the Department of Employ-ment?
A. Doing surveys at workplace. B. Analyzing survey results.
C. Designing questionnaires. D. Taking a psychology course.
此题询问劳工部的工作情况,要求选出不符合原文的选项。关于Miss Green在劳工部的工作职责,录音材料原文中有这样一段话:
M: I see from your resume that you graduated about four years ago and after that… let me see…
W: I got a job with the Department of Employment. It was only a temporary thing for about fi ve months. I was a researcher in the Department. We designed a survey, go out to the factories and ask all the questions to the workers and management, then go back to the offi ce, analyze all the data and produce report. It was quite interesting. And I guess the psychology course at college helped me a lot.

Miss Green在劳工部的主要工作是设计问卷,去工厂作问卷调查,回办公室分析数据,最后写报告。可以得知,选项A、B、C都有所涉及。而选项D(taking a psychology course)与原文中的(the psychology course at college helped me a lot)不符,所以答案是D。

According to the interview, religious diversity .
A. was most evident between 1990 and 2000
B. exists among Muslim immigrants
C. is restricted to certain places in the U.S.
D. is spreading to more parts of the country

关于宗教多元化问题,Johnson教授提到:Immigration from India, Pakistan and the Middle East brought radically increased numbers of Hindus and Muslims to the US. And Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and other Asian immigrants increased the number of Buddhists. But the point is that these religions didn’t settle everywhere. They settled mainly in California and major northeastern and mid-western cities such as New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Minneapolis. From 1990 to 2000 the number of Muslims in New York City grew from 600,000 to nearly one million. In the Los Angeles area there are now more than 300 Buddhist temples. 表明宗教多元化发生在某些地方,而不是美国全部。当采访者说道:So, we see that many parts of the US are truly becoming more diverse while at the same time others are essentially remaining the same in terms of race, age and religion.时,Johnson教授回答:Yes, that’s true. 由此可见答案为C。


Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Mary as a potential disadvantage?
A. More people in the area.   B. Noise and motorways.
C. Waste of land.                D. Unnecessary travel.

关于建造新机场的潜在威胁,Mary先说:But really, people shouldn’t be traveling as much. That’s why most of the journeys, I mean, they’re swamped because there is far too much unnecessary tourism and so on. It isn’t necessary for people to travel so fast or even so often.可以总结出选项D(unnecessary travel); 然后她又说:Well, yes I can sympathize with that, but it is still not really necessary to do whereas it is necessary to, to conserve fuel and it is necessary to, well, not to waste land. I mean, land for a new airport could be used for far more important things which would benefi t the people here far more. I mean it could be used for farming, for instance... It could also be used for housing or it could be used for parks, you know. People then could come and enjoy themselves without having to travel far.可以总结出选项C(浪费土地);她最后又提到:But, you ask the people, you ask those who are now living near the airports, for instance, whether they reckon that airports are bringing them advantages. All the airports are bringing are noise and vast motorways, and the whole area is defoliated, isn’t it?可以总结出选项B(噪音和高速公路)。唯独没有提到选项A,所以答案是A。

Which of the following topics in NOT discussed during the interview?
A. Causes of language learning difficulties.
B. Pedagogical implementation of second language teaching.
C. Theoretical conceptualization of second language learning.
D. Differences between mother tongue and a second language.


VI 归纳推理


Which of the following statements is TRUE about Miss Green’s university days?
A. She felt bored.            B. She felt lonely.
C. She cherished them.    D. The subject was easy.

此题询问Miss Green对大学生活的看法。当应聘者问How did you fi nd it there?时,Miss Green回答:I had a great time. The teaching there was good and I made a lot of friends. The psychology department was a great place to be. 说明她很喜欢大学生活,由此可以排除选项A和B。当问及心理学的课程(And what was the course like?)时,Miss Green回答:Good.

The teachers were all really nice and they had the special approach to teaching. You know, they didn’t just give us lectures and tell us to read books like they might do in some more traditional
places. The whole course was based on a problem-solving approach. You know, they describe a particular situation to us and we discuss what might happen. And after that, we do some reading
and see if they confi rm our own ideas. That’s what I liked best, the really practical orientation of the course, I learned very well with that style. So for me, it was just great. 说明心理学教授上课理论联系实际,要求学生作案例分析,这些对她将来的工作很有帮助。但并没有提到课程是否简单,所以排除选项D,答案是选项C。

Mary thinks that people don’t need to do much travel nowadays as a result of .
A. less emphasis on personal contact
B. advances in modern telecommunications
C. recent changes in people’s concepts
D. more potential damage to the area

关于现代社会人们可以减少空中旅行的原因,Mary说:From my point of view, the whole concept is outdated really. With modern technology we’re going to make a lot of travel unnecessary, right? For example, it won’t be necessary for businessmen to fl y out to a foreign country to talk to somebody. They can just lift up the telephone in the offi ce, press a button and see the person they want to do business with. You see, business deals can be made without having to travel back and forth, right? 可以看出Mary主要认为现代人可以在办公室利用可视电话与外国的客户谈生意,根本没有必要乘飞机长途跋涉。由此可以推断,可以减少空中旅行的主要原因在于发达的通讯设施,所以选项B正确。

According to the interview, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. Some places are more diverse than others.
B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.
C. Diversity can be seen everywhere.
D. America is a truly diverse country.

关于多元化在不同地域的体现,Johnson教授说道:Well, I think in all this talk of diversity there is a critical point that may be missed, that is, diversity is not occurring everywhere in the US, or at least not to a degree that would alter the demography of every region in the country. 表明多元化并不是发生在美国所有地方。当采访者表示惊讶“Oh! Really?”时,他用《纽约时报》的一篇新闻内容做了解释:I can give you an example. Recently, a New York Times article describes the town of Selinsgrove in Pennsylvania. You see, in the last ten years, things have barely changed in that town. The population has dropped by one, from 5384 to 5383 and the town remains virtually 100% white. The article thus concludes that many portions of the country remain like Selinsgrove virtually unchanged on this march towards diversity. 由此可以推断选项A正确。

The interviewee cites the Bach family to show that creativity ______.
A. seems to be attributable to genetic makeup
B. appears to be the result of the environment
C. appears to be more associated with great people
D. comes from both environment and genetic makeup
此题询问访谈以巴赫家族为例展示创造力的什么特征。当被问及创造力究竟是环境因素影响还是基因遗传决定时,Andreason博士认为至今无从知晓,但是她同时举例提到了巴赫家族的遗传基因:However, creativity does seem to run in certain families ...you see Johnann Sebastian Bach was the most famous member of the Bach family but there were twenty other eminent musicians who came from the same family. 由此可见,她认为遗传基因是形成创造力的一大因素,答案为A。