3. 细节题

David thinks he is fi t for the TV role because of his .
A. professional training  B. personality
C. life experience          D. appearance

What does Professor Wang suggest to cope with the situation caused by increasing numbers of fee-paying students?
A. Shifting from one programme to another.
B. Working out ways to reduce student number.
C. Emphasizing better quality of education.
D. Setting up stricter examination standards.

Future education needs to produce graduates of all the following categories EXCEPT .
A. those who can adapt to different professions

B. those who have a high fl exibility of mind
C. those who are thinkers, historians and philosophers
D. those who possess only highly specialized skills

The only popular belief that Professor McKay is unable to provide evidence against is.
A. old-age sickness B. loose family ties
C. poor mental abilities D. diffi culties in maths

According to Miss Green, the main difference between the Department of Employment and the advertising agency lies in .
A. the nature of work   B. offi ce decoration
C. offi ce location         D. work procedures

According to Nigel, most problems of air travel are caused by .
A. unfavorable weather conditions B. airports’ handling capacity
C. inadequate ticketing service D. overbooking

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as compensation for volunteers for the next fl ight out?
A. Free ticket. B. Free phone call.
C. Cash reward. D. Seat reservation.

Why does Nigel suggest that business travelers avoid big airports?
A. Because all fl ights in and out of there are full.
B. Because the volume of traffi c is heavy.
C. Because there are more popular fl ights.
D. Because there are more delays and cancellations.

Freddy has cited the following advantages for a new airport EXCEPT .
A. more job opportunities B. vitality to the local economy
C. road construction D. presence of aircrew in the area

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. Toastmasters was originally set up to train speaking skills.
B. Toastmasters only accepts prospective professional speakers.

C. Toastmasters accepts members from the general public.
D. Toastmasters is an exclusive club for professional speakers.

The following are job benefi ts by joining Toastmasters EXCEPT .
A. becoming familiar with various means of communication
B. learning how to deliver messages in an organized way
C. becoming aware of audience expectations
D. learning how to get along with friends

According to Dr Johnson, diversity means .
A. merging of different cultural identities
B. more emphasis on homogeneity
C. embracing of more ethnic differences
D. acceptance of more branches of Christianity

According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025?
A. Maine. B. Selinsgrove. C. Philadelphia. D. California.

According to Dr. Harley, what makes language learning more diffi cult after a certain age?
A. Declining capacity to learn syntax.
B. Differences between two languages.
C. Lack of time available.
D. Absence of motivation.

What does the example of Czech speakers show?
A. It’s natural for language learners to make errors.
B. Differences between languages cause diffi culty.
C. Diffi culty stems form either difference or similarity.
D. There exist differences between English and Czech.

Which hypothesis deals with the role of language knowledge in the learning process?
A. The acquisition and learning distinction hypothesis.
B. The comprehensible input hypothesis.
C. The monitor hypothesis.
D. The active fi lter hypothesis.

Which of the following statements about creativity is INCORRECT?
A. Creativity stems from human beings’ novel thinking.
B. The duration of the creative process varies from person to person.
C. Creative people focus on novel thinking rather than on solutions.
D. The outcome of human creativity comes in varied forms.

The interviewee cites the Bach family to show that creativity ______.
A. seems to be attributable to genetic makeup
B. appears to be the result of the environment
C. appears to be more associated with great people
D. comes from both environment and genetic makeup

刚才提到一般的细节题答案就出现在录音材料原文里,只要仔细听就不难找出。如2007年访谈的第3题询问受采访者建议游客避免大机场的原因。关于这一点,受采访者提出如下理由:I’d say “Avoid big airports if you can”. The reason is there are too many fl ights
there. 很明显,受采访者认为大机场的起落飞机太多,交通不顺畅。所以选项B(Because the volume of traffi c is heavy.)正确。又如2010年的第1题询问Johnson认为“diversity”一词的意思。该访谈通篇都在谈论“多元化”这个概念,但不同年代对这一概念的理解不同。

根据Johnson博士对这一概念的理解:You see today we use the word “diversity” to refer to more visible ethnic differences.可知当今社会“多元化”指更明显的种族差别,因此选择C。

但也有些细节题需要用排除法解答,找出符合录音材料的选项,剩下的那个才是答案。如2009年访谈的第2题询问哪一个选项不是加入Toastmasters俱乐部对实际工作的益处。关于加入该俱乐部的益处,受采访者提到:By becoming involved in Toastmasters, you’ll learn different methods of communicating what you really want to say, and equally important, you’ll learn what your audience expects from you, so you can deliver that message to them in a logical fashion. 这段内容涵盖了A,B和C三个选项,因此答案是D。