


26-30. BCABD  

31-35. CDCBA 

36-40. CAADB   

41-45. DCBDA

46-50. BDACB  


51-55. ACBAB  

56-60. CACBA    


61-65. FTTFT

66-70. CBACB  

71-75. ACDCD


76. are  77. cities  78. true  79. (to)compare  80. are listed 

81. lowest  82. misleading  83. sound   84. you   85. Don’t let


86. Can/ May I take a message for you?

87. Why do you want to do it? /Why?

88. We will sorry about you.

89. Are you ready for it?

90. Thank you/Thanks/ Thank you very much



Enjoy Learning

As we know, learning is very important to us. All of us must learn hard. At school we should learn all the subjects which are very useful for our life in the future. If we learn hard, we will make our dreams come true. We will feel happy and excited when we can go to a top senior high school by working hard. Besides, we also learn other things that we can’t do. If so, we will have some skills and experience that may be good for our future.

Without learning ,the life couldn’t be so smooth, without enjoying ,the life couldn’t be so colorful.


Don’t forget our English teacher

We will graduate from our school soon. But my classmates, please don’t forget our English teacher. We all know we can’t make so much progress without the help of our English teacher. He is kind to us but strict. Whenever we are in trouble, he will try his best to help us. So we can’t forget him. After we leave our school, we can keep in touch with him by writing letters, sending e-mails or making phone calls.