56. M:Can I get a ride into the office with you tomorrow?
W:Another day would be fine. But I've got to be downtown for a meeting first thing in the morning.
Q:What does the woman imply?(D

57. W:I can't decide whether I should take physics now or wait till next semester.
M:You might as well get it over with if you can.
Q:What does the man suggest the woman do? (A

58. W:My brother is coming this weekend and I thought the three of us could go out to dinner Saturday night. Any suggestions?
M:It's up to you. I don't know the restaurants around here that well. So you know a better place to go than me.
Q:What does the man mean?(B

59. W:You look different today. Did you get a haircut?
M:That's funny. You're the third person to ask me that. But all I did was get new frames for my eyeglasses.
Q:What does the man imply?(B

60. M:This report is due tomorrow. Would you be able to work on it with me tonight?
W:Unfortunately I have another commitment.
Q:What does the woman mean?(B

56.D 序数词first thing和动作got to be downtown说明了另外动作发生的不可能性,即"我不能带你"。
57.A 听力的重点是get sth over (with):to finish sth。
58.B up to you:你做决定。
59.B 听力重点在于but后面的内容。
60.B 否定词unfortunately表明说者很可能要拒绝。


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