
一、 A B B D C


1. July the 3 rd 2. play the piano 3. have a good time 4. the Spring Festival

5. ask and answer 6. speak loudly 7. 吹蜡烛 8. 看赛龙舟 9. 拜访亲朋好友 10. 聊天

三、A A C B A B C A A B

四、F H B G A C D E


1. farmers 2. fifth 3. went 4. collecting 5. has 6. swimming 7. closed

8. his 9. them 10. singing and dancing

六、1. B, did 2. B, my 3. B, lots of 4. C, Pick it up 5. B, drank 6. A, glasses

七、1. moment ago, put, gate 2. ninth, September 3. lives, town 4. presents, mine
