

2) cat my cat 3) sit sit down 4) new a new coat

5) look look at 6) that that pen 7) some some pens

8) skirt her shirt 9) nine nine rulers 10) there over there


1) six fifty (ten to seven) 2) the teacher's room

3) look like 4) 差一刻七点钟(6点45分)

5) fly a kite 6) play football 7) 一篮子鸡蛋

二、B D C C C C D C A B

三、F G A B H C D E J I

四、B A C A D

五、1. birthday, February 2. date, September 1 3. writing an e-mail

4. tiger, running 5. watching insects

六、T T T F


The Photo of My Family

This is a photo of my family. I sit in the middle of my mum and my dad. Mum is a teacher. Dad is a doctor. Look at the boy. He is my brother, Bill. We are in the same school. But he is in Grade 2. I am in Grade 1. Oh, there is another one in our family, my lovely cat.