
United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
Eduardo Rojas-Briales

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Several animal species including gorillas in Rwanda and tigers in Bangladesh could risk extinction if the impact of climate change and extreme weather on their habitats is not addressed, a UN report showed on Sunday. Launched on the sidelines of global climate negotiations in Durban, the report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation shows how higher temperatures, the rise in sea levels, deforestation and excessive land use have damaged the habitats of certain species, especially in Africa. "Many ecosystems have already been stressed by increasing population, historical and recent deforestation, unsustainable management practices and even invasive species," Eduardo Rojas-Briales, assistant director general at the FAO's forestry department, said at the launch of the report. The most affected areas include mountains, isolated islands and coastal areas, which limit the possibilities for animals to migrate elsewhere and create new habitats. "The remaining populations become enclosed in very small ecosystems, they have inbreeding problems ... and at the end these species may disappear," he added. Other examples of affected animals included elephants in Mali, lions in the Serengeti and crocodiles in Malawi.
联合国上周日公布的一份报告显示,如果气候变化和极端天气对其栖息地的影响无法解决,包括卢旺达大猩猩和孟加拉虎在内的多种动物都将面临灭绝。 联合国粮农组织的这份报告指出了气温升高、海平面升高、森林砍伐和土地滥用已如何破坏了一些物种的生存环境,特别是在非洲。这份报告也呼应了正在德班召开的全球气候变化磋商。 联合国粮农组织林业部的助理执行长爱德华多•罗哈斯-布里阿莱斯在报告发布时说:“很多生态体系都已经因为人口增长、以往和近期和森林砍伐、不可持续性的管理措施、甚至是入侵物种而不堪重负。” 受影响最严重的地区包括山区、孤岛、和沿海地区,这些地区限制了动物从其它地区迁徙过来和创造新的栖息地的可能性。 他补充说:“剩余群体隔绝在很小的生态体系内,存在近亲交配的问题,最后这些群体可能灭绝。” 其它受影响动物的例子包括马里的大象、(坦桑尼亚西北部)塞伦盖蒂平原的狮子,和马拉维的鳄鱼。