Oscar winner and stage veteran Cate Blanchett will be one of the directors of the new Australian film, The Turning, based on Tim Winton's novel, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The other helmers, each of whom will take one chapter of the book, will include actors Mia Wasikowska and David Wenham, along with Benedict Andrews, Jonathan auf der Heide, Tony Ayres, Shaun Gladwell, Rhys Graham, Justin Kurzel, Ian Meadows, Yaron Lifschitz, Claire McCarthy, Ashlee Page, and Stephen Page.

Blanchett will be seen on the London stage in April in Gross und Klein and will return to New York in July to reprise her role as Yelena in the Sydney Theatre Company's production of Uncle Vanya as part of the 2012 Lincoln Center Festival.

Her other stage credits include Hedda Gabler and A Streetcar Named Desire. She won the Oscar for The Aviator and received nominations for Elizabeth, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, Notes on a Scandal, and I'm Not There.

沪江娱乐快讯:据《好莱坞记者》的报道,将有17位影人联手,共同执导一部名为《The Turning》的澳大利亚影片,其中包括了著名女演员凯特·布兰切特,该片也是这位“女王”首度执起导演筒的处女作。

《The Turning》改编自澳大利亚知名小说家Tim Winton的同名作品,该书是一部短篇故事集,电影的制片人 Robert Connolly表示,“其中的每个故事既有关联又有重叠,自成一体,揭示了这些看似不相关但却将人们的生命联系在一起的非凡的转折点”,布兰切特外,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的米娅·华希科沃斯卡和男演员大卫·文翰也将跨界执导这部影片。