

Hello, is this the apartment management?

Can I help you?

Yes, this is a tenant of apartment ten. I guess my kitchen sink is clogging up again. And so is the bathtub.

Alright. I'll send someone over tomorrow.

Um, I'd really appreciate it if you'd send someone over to fix it today. It's really a bother. I can't cook or take a shower.

Fine. I'll be up in a few minutes.

Thanks. I appreciate it.



Why is there no water coming out when you turn on the faucet?

Not even a single drop?

Well, it's just drip drip drip. But that's not water.

I don't know. Since yesterday morning, the water pressure has dropped to a little more than a drip.

Did you call the apartment management yet?

Yeah, I called and they said they'd send someone over.

How long ago did you do that?

It was 36 hours ago.

That's outrageous! I just don't understand why they're not on top of this.