




Like most city folks, I'm cautious. I scan the street and pathways for anything - or anyone - unusual before pulling into the garage. That night was no exception. But, as I walked out of the garage, KFC chicken in hand, a portly, unshaven young man in a stocking cap and dark nylon jacket emerged from the shrub by the parking pad and put his pistol between my eyes. "Give it up, mother," he threatened. "Give it up." "Hey," I said, "just take it." As I spoke, I set the KFC box on the planter beside the pathway, contriving as I did so to toss my house keys into a bush.
和大多数城里人一样,我非常小心谨慎。在把车开进车库前,我会扫视街道和周围的小路,看看有没有异常的人或物。那天晚上也不例外。可是当我手里拿着肯德基炸鸡走出车库时,一个身材圆胖、留着短髭、头戴绒线帽、身穿深色尼龙夹克的年轻人从停车处旁的灌木丛中钻出来,把手枪顶在我的双眼之间。 “交出来,他妈的,”他威胁道,“交出来。” “嗨,”我说,“拿去吧。”我一边说,一边把肯德基快餐盒放在小路旁边的花盆上,同时设法把我房子的钥匙扔进灌木丛中。