




It is cold on this winter day in 1942. But it is no different from any other day in this Nazi concentration camp. I am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews. We suffer under the whips of the terrible Nazis. Will I still be alive tomorrow? Will I be taken to the gas chamber tonight? Or will a security guard simply shoot me with his rifle? Back and forth I walk next to the wire fence. I am not thinking about my steps; I am moving mechanically across the landscape, kneeling on occasion when I think I see a bit of timber or other item that I can use to start a fire.
1942年冬季的一天,寒冷刺骨。但在纳粹集中营中,这与别的日子没有什么差别。自我从家中被人带走并随着数万犹太人被带到这儿以来,我已濒临死亡,只能活一天算一天,活一小时算一小时。我们在纳粹可怕的皮鞭下受尽煎熬。明天我还会活着吗?今晚我会不会被带到毒气室去?或是被警卫简简单单地用来复枪射杀? 我在铁丝网边踱来踱去。我并没有留意自己的脚步,只是机械地在这块地上移动,在发现可以用来生火的一小块木头或其他东西时,我偶尔跪下来查看一下。