概述: “代沟”这一术语出现于20世纪60年代。。。 Hints: 1秒左右有个引号
The term "generation gap" was coined in the 1960s. One concept of the generation gap is that parents and children have different values and beliefs. As a result, many parents fear that peer opinions will become more highly valued and that they in turn will lose influence. Although the term continues to be used often, some people are beginning to ask the question, "Is there a generation gap in today's society?" One study compared four generations, aged 18 to 30, 31 to 48, 49 to 62, and 63 and over. Several questions were asked to tap into basic beliefs and values, such as "Hard work is the key to getting ahead" and "America is the very best place in the world to live in".
“代沟”这一术语出现于20世纪60年代。代沟的概念之一是指父母和孩子有不同的价值观和信仰。因此,很多父母害怕孩子赞成伙伴的观点,父母转而失去影响力。虽然这个术语还是常常被使用,有人却开始问这个问题:“今天的社会还有代沟吗?” 有一项研究比较了四代人:18-30岁的人,31-48岁的人,49-62岁的人,63岁和63岁以上的人,问了几个问题以了解人们对一些问题的基本信仰和价值观, 如“努力工作是成功之道”,“美国是世界上最佳的生活地”。