• [英语听力] 美国国会委员会减赤失败(1/2)

    概述:上个月,联合委员会的赤字裁剪的成员举行了听证会,这周,委员会声明说,联邦预算依然赤字,两党未能达成协议。 Hints: Co-Chairs Joint Select Committee Deficit Reduction twelve-member

    2011-11-27 22:00
  • [英语听力] CNN news:奥巴马发言

    hints: Congress Republican President 【听写回顾】简讯三则»We passed our budget bulk in this room. I airland our priority where's the president's, where's the president's plan and once you can...

    2011-07-18 10:08
  • [英语听力] 预算削减 美公共辩护律师面临困境

    Hints:Ben Reiss Carlos Martinez Miami Greenberg TraurigBen Reiss left his job as an assistant public defender 10 years ago, in favor of a higher paying job with a top private law firm. That did n...

    2009-06-02 00:00
  • [英语听力] 学校、家庭预算吃紧 (1)

    一份来自全美州议会联合会年会(NCSL)7月份的报告指出,50个州中的31个州存在预算问题。 提示:the National Conference of State Legislatures;the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities 50,000,000 publ...

    2008-09-14 00:00