• [未分类小类] ICFE参考用书

    参考用书 Banking English, Julie Pratten (Delta Publishing)English for International Banking and Finance, Jim Corbett (Cambridge University Press)Market...

    2008-12-02 15:50
  • [未分类小类] ICFE考点

    北京外国语大学网络学院北京分部 地址:北京市西三环北路2号北京外国语大学东院主楼5层502室 电话:010-88812232邮件:icfebaoming@beiwaionline.com北京外国语大...

    2008-12-02 15:49
  • [英语听力] 保尔森呼吁改革全球金融体制

    美国财政部长保尔森说目前的金融危机是由诸多因素引起的;他的首要任务是稳定金融系统,下一步将是对其进行改革。 PaulsonPaulson said the current financial crisis had many causes, including government i...

    2008-11-24 00:00
  • [英语听力] 麦凯恩提出新的经济计划 (2)

    奥巴马概述自己的系列计划;经济为周三总统选举的中心议题。 Hints: McCain Obama Hofstra University "I know what fear feels like. It's a thief in the nightwho robs your strength. I know what hopele...

    2008-10-17 00:00
  • [英语听力] 麦凯恩提出新的经济计划 (1)

    离大选还有三个星期,麦卡恩提出一系列经济计划以争取民意。Senator John McCain announced a series of steps he would take if elected that are intended to help middle-class Americans cope with the ong...

    2008-10-16 00:00
  • [英语听力] 抑制金融危机 (2)

    本周,美国政府同意帮助AIG,但却拒绝对一家大型投资银行(雷曼兄弟)进行援救。 提示:Henry Paulson ,Merrill Lynch,Lehman Brothers,Morgan Stanley,Goldman Sachs In a speech in July, Treasury Secre...

    2008-09-29 00:00
  • [英语听力] 抑制金融危机 (1)

    周四,美联储以及其它几个主要央行向美国金融市场注入的额外资金。 提示:The Federal Reserve The Federal Reserve and other major central banks pumped extra money into financial markets on Thursday. T...

    2008-09-28 00:00