• [英语听力] 童话故事:笨人一家亲(6/6)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本...

    2011-12-17 09:00
  • [英语听力] 童话故事:阿拉丁和神灯07

    Aladdin Aha genieThe bad magician hears of Aladdin. "Aladdin married the Princess.And he is very rich,"he shouts. "The genie of the lamp did all these things. I must get it back from Aladdin." ...

    2011-12-17 08:57
  • [英语听力] 童话故事:阿拉丁和神灯06

    AladdinAladdin goes back home and he rubs the lamp. He tells the genie everything. The next day Aladdin goes to the King. Forty servants follow him with forty bowls of jewels. Aladdin shows t...

    2011-12-17 08:55
  • [少儿英语] 少儿英语童话故事: 三只小猪 (上)


    2011-12-17 07:45
  • [英语听力] 童话故事:白雪公主08

    ***Snow White and the Seven Dwarves ***That night, the owners of the little house came home from their work. They were seven dwarves. They looked like men, but they were only as tall as young chi...

    2011-12-16 14:15
  • [英语听力] 童话故事:小公主02

    Captain Crewe Miss CreweSaraErmengarde St. John"It will be a great honor to teach such a beautiful child," she said. "Please take good care of her," said Captain Crewe. Captain Crewe held Sara in...

    2011-12-16 10:52
  • [英语听力] 童话故事:小公主02

    Captain Crewe Miss CreweSaraErmengarde St. John"It will be a great honor to teach such a beautiful child," she said. "Please take good care of her," said Captain Crewe. Captain Crewe held Sara

    2011-12-16 10:52
  • [英语听力] 童话故事:阿拉丁和神灯05

    Aladdin Princess King"I want lots of money and jewels. I want a great house, too,"says Aladdin. "You can have them,"says the genie. Aladdin and his mother become rich. They live in the great ...

    2011-12-16 08:53
  • [少儿英语] 少儿英语童话故事:野天鹅(下)


    2011-12-16 07:45
  • [英语听力] 童话故事:小公主01

    Sara Captain CreweMinchinIt was a dark winter day in London. A cab was going through the thick fog. There was a seven-year-old girl in the cab with her father. Sara and Captain Crewe had just ...

    2011-12-15 10:47